My photos were taken in full sun, and I applied each shade with a sponge tipped applicator. I swatched from the top to bottom in the Kaleidoscope, with the lip color at the top of my arm.
The three silver/grey shadows go together like "love and marriage" (yes, that song is running through my mind, and love and marriage seemed more appropriate than horse and carriage). The close-to-matte white is a perfect base for the shimmering silver. Like the shimmering gold in the Golden Beauty Kaleidoscope, the silver in Sterling Beauty is pigmented. It was easy to get a good swatch - on my arm and on my eyelid when I wore it the first time (imagine jumping for joy). Plus, there is no fallout - worth mega-points with a shimmering silver.
The grey is a great medium-toned shade. It's not so dark that it will be relegated to use as an eyeliner only. I swatched it heavily. When applied with a light hand, it's a fabulous crease or accent shade. Some dark grey eye shadows are too dark for my coloring, so they go unused. This shade will be used.
I envision many options for layering the shades in Sterling Beauty, beyond the confines of the Kaleidoscope kit siblings. I need some extra time to play. I will pull out the Crushed Ice True Color Eye Shadow I just bought as I work to achieve the perfect icy gaze.
Sterling Beauty was a purchase to remember! You can buy one too by calling Heather at the Le Métier de Beauté counter at the John Barrett Salon at (212) 872-2700, extension 2714. There are other "older" Kaleidoscopes available there, along with many gorgeous nail lacquers. Those who wanted a Kaleidoscope for the holidays can find one they may not have at the John Barrett Salon. The "beauties" seemed like buried treasure to me.
Photo at top courtesy of Neiman Marcus; other photos by Best Things in Beauty
I heard that there's a LMdB *Blush* Kaleidoscope coming out. Have you seen it yet? I don't have access to LMdB where I am and it's out of my price range, but I do like living variously through you! :)
What kaleidoscopes are suited for warm skin tones?
I featured the new Blush Kaleidoscope last week, with swatches. Just scroll down until you find it. :)
Anonymous, there are way too many Ks that work for warm skin for me to start listing them here. However, of these at John Barrett Salon, you might like Golden Beauty. From Fall 2011, Silk Road, which is still available in certain stores, is fabulous for warm skin!
I love your blog, thanks for your prompt feedback/suggestions.
*blush* I'm embarassed!
This is SO beautiful!!!!
Hi Lovethescents!
It is totally beautiful. I'm happy to have it, thanks to the JB Salon!
Hi BooBooNinja,
I think reading got away from all of us right before Christmas! What a busy time! I feel like the last week has flown by.
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