This photo has been on a lot of blogs. I have no idea who to credit for the marvelous example of what I mean. Look at these lashes! Is there anything about them that telegraphs "Look into my eyes"? Nope! You can't get past the lashes - glued together, sticking out at odd angles, and laden with gunk. I can only imagine how the world looked to this woman as she gazed through these babies - probably like it looks to a poor bird covered in oil by BP.
Makeover after makeover - I go home and struggle to remove all the mascara. Not too long ago, after a makeover at another store, I once asked Loyd Cassler, my friend at Saks, why so many artists glommed mascara on me. His response? You have great eyelashes. That was sweet of him, but if I have great eyelashes, why ruin them?
I'm not talking about would-be makeup artists who over-paint eyelashes. Some of the best have done it to me. Perhaps if I had been ready to walk a red carpet, my look might have called for more makeup than I would wear every day. Seriously, though, what's the deal?
Eyelashes are supposed to look long, lush, and separated. Glad I got that out of my system! I'll try not to do any more rants for awhile. Thanks for listening!
hhahaa i totally agree... when I do makeup, I am so picky about the lashes. even if the person I am doing make to does not care so much. I do....
Thank you, Miss Krimson! I guess they've never heard of an eyelash comb. :)
Until I read your article, I thought the result on the photo was something to avoid as too clumpy: I wouldn't have thought proper make-up artists tried to achieve such a result! For me as for you, great lashes are long and separated (thank God for eye-brushes and eye-combs)A great mascara: l'Extreme by Lancôme does a good job in making lashes long and separated; maybe you know it already.
PS: And anyway rather than creating such a mess, they could use false eyelashes which look far better than the make-up on the photo
Hi Clarisse!
I can no longer count the number of legit makeup artists who have sent me (or my friends) home with globs of mascara. I just don't get it.
Like you, I do like mascaras that separate as you apply them. Even with those, some manage to overdo it! Go figure.
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