Yesterday was my last day of physical therapy. I graduated! Actually, I think they kicked me out. While I would like to have continued to go - the discipline is good for me - they made it pretty clear that my insurance would not continue to pay for my visits. That's a good thing, right? I am so grateful to my therapist. He gave me the encouragement, confidence, and support I didn't get from my surgeon. He made me believe yesterday would come, that I would be able to straighten and bend my knee again. He was gentle, but tough - and fun. Who would have thought someone could make torture fun? I'll miss seeing him!
In the next two weeks, a lot of new makeup is going to appear at beauty counters. Yesterday, I popped over to Bloomingdale's at lunch, hoping to see some new introductions. I came back empty-handed (well, not really). The newest products hadn't arrived. I do have a lot of skin care news. I've been using fabulous new products. Testing skin care can take some time, but I'm ready to recommend some of the best things in beauty. Hope you will find the next week interesting.
What's new in your life? It's time for The Friday Forum. We use the forum to share information and chat. Did you find any deals you couldn't resist this week? Are you using a fabulous product and want to sing its praises? Did you find a beauty product disappointing? Do you have a question others might be able to answer? Want to talk about skin care? Just use the comments. Don't be shy. Just make sure to ask any question you might have over the weekend. By Monday, most readers have moved on.
My giveaway contest for Bobbi Brown's Tawny Shimmer Brick will end tomorrow night at midnight. If you haven't entered yet, now's the time. If you don't play, you can't win!
I am going to begin my comment with a HUGE "thank you" to Charlestongirl, for featuring three products that I have been lusting after for a while. First, thank you for the excellent swatches and review of the new Rouge Coco Shines. I cannot wait until they arrive. Second, thanks for the swatches of the new Dior Addict lipstick. I own Dior Kiss (578) and Backstage (not sure of the number) and I like them. But I knew I wanted more, and particularly the pinker shades. So, imagine my excitement to read your three-part series featuring those lovely pinks (loved Model and Taffetas). Finally, I have been wanting to purchase some lip gloss from Le Metier de Beaute, and you have such wonderful swatches to view! At first I was going to try to limit myself to either a Lip Creme or a Sheer Brilliance, but who am I kidding?! I'll probably get several.
This post is bordering on rambling! I did want to say that lately I have been loving discovering more products at Le Metier de Beaute (I love my Smoldering Embarkment eye kaleidescope, the Marchesa brightening pen and my Peau Vierge). I have also been loving my new cleanser from Kate Somerville - the Daily Detox Cleanser. Not too harsh and doesn't overdry the skin, but it is geared toward combination skin. I like to "amp up" my skin care routine in the summer, so this cleanser seems like it is fitting that bill.
Have a happy Friday everyone, and thanks again, Charlestongirl for a really top-drawer blog!
Hi KatieA!
How nice to come home (from work) to such a sweet comment. You're welcome!
Sounds like you are buying all the best things. :)
I am getting ready to feature some fabulous Kate Somerville skin care. Just love it!
Hope you have a fab Friday and happy weekend. I am very glad mine started. :)
Congratulations on graduating from therapy. I promise it is bitter sweet for your therapist too. I used to miss my patients when they finished their course with me especially if they were as sweet as you are and always filled with stories. On a beauty note, got to go to Bergdorfs over the weekend and saw Dustin and Edward. Got Papaya Cream from Dustin and I love the gold tone it leaves on my lips. I am sure with a faux tan, it will look even better. Of course got the two new shadows from Edward and soon he will have eyeshadow primers in three different tones coming out FYI. I like the new colors as they have a beautiful sheen to them. Glad everything is well with you and hopefully we will see spring weather here in the DC area.
I was wondering if you would be reviewing the new cle de peau foundation soon - would love to hear your thoughts on it! Thanks so much - really enjoy your reviews :)
Hi Gaby!
Thanks for the news. I wish I could visit with Dustin more often. I am beyond excited to hear about the primers. :)
I will miss John so much! I wish I could have him for my "personal trainer." I think they (at that center) think it's a good thing when we graduate. Maybe they know how dependent we get, maybe not. I plan to write a huge and wonderful letter to the head PT about him. I am very grateful.
Hi Anonymous!
Yes - tomorrow. Hang in there. :)
I got to go shopping at a REAL mall (Mall of America) for the first time in a long, long while. I realized several things: 1)Other than the need to try on shoes, pants and blazers, I could be perfectly content with just having 3 or 4 stores in my life (J Crew, Sephora, Nordstrom, and GAP) 2)I really love shopping online in the privacy of my own home, without the crowds, screaming babies, grumpy SA's, or walking for miles!! Lastly: 3)I didn't really buy much at all. I love the experience of BEING in J Crew, but I can't afford it all anyway, so it's just temptation right now...sigh.
Oh Mama Val,
I so agree. I too love to shop from home. Malls are a necessary evil around here. Starting with parking lot wars, moving on to SAs who may not know what they are talking about, and ending with nothing despite the love because it's not in stock, shopping isn't as pleasant as it used to be.
Glad you've graduated from physical therapy! Do you have to continue any exercises at home now?
Can't wait to hear your skin care news. I've survived for years using the samples I've received from SAs whenever I've purchased color products. The only things I took care to buy and apply were eye cream and moisturizer, both with SPF of some kind. I recently "discovered" cleansing oils and love, love them this time of year. Yes, I'm a little late to the game! I got samples of Sulwhasoo at Bergdorf's today, which totally removed the YSL waterproof pencils I had tested on my hand, and Justin introduced me to Seikisho Cleansing Oil, which he prefers. He also introduced me to Specifics eye cream, which I will try soon. (I'm on BG's e-mail list, but haven't received any messages about their upcoming gift-card event. Is it just word of mouth? I have to say, however, the BG's SAs more than made up for it by all of their helpfulness today. Sephora should take note.)
I got some Eve Lom cleansing samples at SpaceNK. The SA there told me that SpaceNK plans open in Tyson's Bloomies soon! Fingers crossed that they will carry Eve Lom, by Terry, Rococo nail polishes, and perhaps Ellis Faas.
I bought Kanebo Sensai Eyeshadow Base, Ellis Faas concealer, and a couple of Rococo polishes. I also bought a couple of small, inexpensive, but beautiful nail polishes at Apthorp pharmacy near my hotel. They are part of a German line called Babor. Has anyone heard of it or seen it in DC? The line includes some beautiful eye shadows, eye pencils and lip liners. Apthorp's SA was also generous with samples. Seems like you have to beg Nordies for them these days.
I saw the new Dior lipsticks at Sephora (where no one but the Laura Mercier rep asked me if I needed any help!), but decided that I need to pace myself. I'll use my Nordstrom Notes, or buy whenever they offer multiple points.
Hi Ava,
OK, you spilled the beans; I didn't. I was told a LONG time ago about the SpaceUK space at Bloomies Tysons, but I was sworn to secrecy. Now that the news must be out, I will say that I am very excited. I would love to see by Terry there too, although I saw a blush in the latest mailer, thought it was very pretty, but then gagged at the price.
Babor is available in the DC area. It is sold in hair salons that carry skin care. I saw it in McLean. I will have to let you know if it's still there. They gave me some samples, but the products weren't for my skin type. They had some makeup too. Nothing grabbed me.
InCircle is coming up if you are looking for a GWP or reward event. It starts mid-April. Call Kathy Shoreman at Tysons to pre-order.
I am so jealous. I would love to be able to pop into BG more often! Your trip sounded fun!
Thanks Charlestongirl - Yes, Ava, InCircle begins Thursday, April 14 thru the 17th - and all the lines should have all of the new summer color in! Check back here for Charlestongirl's reviews, as I hound the product specialists every day for the new stuff! Each line will have a nice gift with purchase - and most will have a major artist event. On Thursday, Armani will feature national artist Rhona Samuels, and Saturday, the 16th, YSL will feature national artist Dell Ashley. These are great times to stock up on the new color and skin care, because you not only get a gift, you get advice from a pro (after checking this blog for Charlestongirl's advice)!
If you want to pre-order or set some of the new colors aside, just give me a call at 703-761-1600 x3282, because I know for a FACT that the new Chanel color will sell out immediately - two of the new YSL Water-Resistant Eye pencils are already GONE!!!!!!!!!!!!! Looking forward to shopping with C-Girl today! :)
Oh, Ava, and yes! I am supposed to exercise every day. I have been bad, though. An exercise John has been doing pulled the muscles where my legs attach to my trunk, so I have been letting them rest to heal. I have been so sore!
Miss B, thanks for telling everyone about Rhona! She is fab-u-lous. She does such natural makeup. I adore her. She's on my top MUAs list.
Hi Miss Brahms,
I have been using Natura Bissé The Cure Sheer Eye cream for a week now and absolutley love it. I remember awhile back all the wonderful things you had to say about the line and am thrilled to report that it's everything you said it was. I received a lot of samples of Natura's other lotions and potions in the eye cream package and am looking forward to trying them.
Hi Ava,
Babor skin care is also available on many skin care websites and has been available in the US for years. Although I've tried a number of their samples, I never found anything that would replace my SkinCeuticles or Skin Medica products. I have mature--read old :-) --skin and nothing really grabbed my attention. Skin care is so individual.
I received a card from Bloomingdale's about the gift card event on Thursday so there was definitely notification via snail mail.
Hi Charlestongirl,
Last, but not least, congratulations Charlestongirl! You'll just have to be determined about setting some time aside for regular knee exercise until you are where you want to be. You're such a busy bee, though, I'm sure you'll get plenty of exercise without even really thinking about it. I think of knee replacement surgery as a medical wonder, but my grandfather said it was "damn good mechanical engineering." He had both knees replaced when he was in his eighties! He made a really determined effort to keep up with all his exercises. His motivations were strong: working in his beloved gardens and taking long country strolls--hand in hand--with my grandmother. He used to joke that his knees would outlive the rest of him.
Have a wonderful weekend everyone.
Hi Eileen, depending on his age, they might! :) They are supposed to last for 20 years, which means I have to do the left leg again if I live to his age.
I do run around a lot, normally, but have curtailed that since my surgery. Today, I bopped over to NM and got tired after two hours. That's pathetic. :) I had fun, though, visiting with all the counters I like - and the people. Came home with new Guerlain lipsticks, the YSL Gloss Sticks I am now hoarding, and sample galore. Also picked out a few things for InCircle. The LMdB, BB, and Clinique gifts I saw will be very nice.
Charlestongirl, The SpaceNK SA didn't swear me to secrecy, and she didn't know me from Adam.
When I got home I found BG's announcement about their beauty event in my snail mail. Thanks to all of you for the heads up re InCircle. I just wish that NM carried some of BG's essoteric brands. I'm really interested in the Asian oil cleansers.
Thanks also for the additional info about Babor. I think their color products would suit many women of color know.
Ohhhh, just read KarlaSugar's account of her makeover by Rhona Samuels - may have to sign up for a makeover afterall...
Ava, Rhona is incredible! Call Kathy and get on the schedule while you can.
I never had Rhona do my makeup because Tim always did, but I have watched and admired her work many times. She's a master.
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