I try to do one giveaway contest a week. This week, my friends, you get two! I have a Clinique Fresh Bloom Allover Colour ($29.50) compact to give away.
Clinique's Allover Colour is a long-wearing powder that creates a sheer, subtle radiance and allover glow. You can sweep it over your entire face for a luminous, cheerful glow or use it as a blusher, as I do, brushing it on your cheekbones for a pretty pop of color.
Posy is a beautiful color that many of you will be able to wear. A soft blue-pink nude with a hint of shimmer, Posy is perfect for this season. It is categorized in Clinique's Nudes family. Look at how pretty the design is! I can't resist makeup that doubles as art. I have purchased - and wear - three of the four Allover Colour shades currently available, proof of my devotion. Each time there's a Clinique gift with purchase with a mini Allover Colour, I make sure to get it.
How can you enter to win this set? Many of you know the drill by now. Just leave a comment here once. After you comment, feel free to e-mail bestthingsinbeautycontests@gmail.com and identify your comment. You can never be too careful about sharing your e-mail address on a blog, so I would follow this second step if I were you (an alternative is to code your e-mail, e.g., myname at gmail dot com, in your comment).
If you are a Twitter follower of BTiBeauty, or become one by June 18, you will earn an extra entry. Please, though, don't follow me on Twitter if you don't intend to stay. I love you all, but losing followers is depressing! :) If your Twitter name is not close to your entry name, please make sure to tell me in an e-mail.
The contest is open to residents of the United States, Canada, and Western Europe. The deadline for entries will be Monday, June 21, at midnight. The next morning, I will use a random number generator (random.org) to select the winner.
I will post this contest at Free!Grechen, my favorite giveaway site on the Web. If you like giveaway contests, you will love Free!Grechen.
Good Luck!
Photo courtesy of Clinique
First entry! It looks gorgeous!
Super pretty... I like their blushes too, so if the texture is of a similar quality, this is even better because of the gorgeous design. Again, thanks for letting European residents participate, your giveaways are always exciting and not being able to enter can be frustrating (I'm so jealous of you American residents anyway for all the beauty brands available over there). email: schnurrjohanna (at) hotmail (dot) com
That looks so pretty! As a pale person, I should definitely be using blush more often so as not to look washed out.
Two giveaway contests, waou... Hi Charleston girl, it's incredibly kind of you,it's Christmas in June!!!
The blush looks lovely, the design is so beautiful, I can't resist: I must enter the contest.
You have my e-mail address (as I am no big fan of twitter or facebook, I'll miss the opportunity of the 2nd entry) A big thank you again from a French participant
I love clinique and this color looks like it would be so pretty. The flower design itself is gorgeous!
You are the giveaway Queen!
Haven't won one yet but i'll keep on tryin'!
As always, thank you for my entry!
deine.kable at yahoo dot com
That looks like a gorgeous color for summer! Thanks for all these contests!! :)
How exciting! I just love this product and would be thrilled if I could win one.
This looks so beautiful.
that is so pretty! the colors look nice :)
twitter follower @deegee13
The design of the product is so pretty! The product itself sounds great too :) I'd love to try it.
I am following Best Things in Beauty and Gretchen. I am @kammikoza. I am a fan of Gretchen on facebook. I shared with over 400 friends. I am a subscriber of Best Things in Beauty blog via email with kalei7796782@yahoo.com.
I tweeted BTIB's tweets about Clinique Fresh Bloom Allover Colur Giveaway Contest. I am @kammikoza
Enter me!
twitter: graffitikit i'm following you
Would love to try Clinique products-the price has always held me back. Thankyou for the chance!
Elaine R
This is lovely!Thanks as always!
DolphinV27 (AT) aol (DOT) com
I'm a Twitter Follower @DolphinV27
DolphinV27 (AT) aol (DOT) com
Thanks for the giveaway! I would love to have such a lovely summer color.
Twitter: @MaeGalsFashion
Email: maegalsfashion(at)yahoo(dot)com
I have never tried Clinique's products, but would love to try!
urbanfoxjewelry AT gmail.com
I tried this color in the store before and loved it!
Following you on twitter
woohoo..again a giveaway...I am hooked!
I have their mini blushes and they are super pretty!!
I'm a long-time follower of @BTiBeauty on Twitter (@GeorgiaMist)!
outofthemist @ gmail .com (remove spaces)
I can always put new make-up to good use! :)
outofthemist @ gmail .com (remove spaces)
so pretty - might be hard to use it!
michelejdaley at gmail dot com
pretty. i can never have enough blushes during the summer!!!
It looks almost too pretty to use . . . but I would!
Very very pretty color!! The design on the blush is so beautiful, might be hard to use it!!
I LOVE your giveaways, they are the best!!
Thanks for the opportunity!
what a beautiful compact! I'd love to use it as blush!
Following you on twitter, @katt_v.
I'd love to wear this on my face to an outdoor summer event. I've always loved Clinique. I've used their toner for years and it does wonders for my skin!
Can't wait to try it!
i love these
lindaseton @ aol. com
love this!
riatheresa5678 at gmail dot come
I love pretty makeup designs! And Clinique is the best.
maireloves at gmail dot com
I agree that the flower art is gorgeous! I love the idea of transplanting pink flowers on my cheeks :)
aerolantern at gmail dot com
my twitter id is aerolantern
following you on Twitter!
my twitter id is aerolantern
aerolantern at gmail dot com
The Fresh Bloom Allover Colour looks perfect for what I have been looking for. I would like to have a product that can give me a little luminosity. Tjis even looks like the correct color.
cspmom at gmail dot com
I've never tried a Clinique powder before, this looks really pretty!
Thank you so much for the chance to win.
email: thewideworldof (at) gmail (dot) com
twitter follower : woozlewozzle
The blush looks beautiful! Thank you for the chance to win.
lynnx512 at gmail dot com
Looks like a great product! I would love to try it.
Please enter me to win ! It sounds like a great item to have
I follow you on twitter @shopgurl
Love this!
Wow this is gorgeous! Hope I win- I'd love to try it out! decembeir at gmail dot com
Very pretty! Thanks for the chance! My email is lfior0022 (at) gmail (dot) com
I love clinique!!! This blush is so pretty!!! Thanks for the great contest!!!
puch0022 at umn dot edu
Please enter me to win! Thanks! tennistar16@gmail.com
This looks so pretty... such a nice color! Thank you for having the contest. Email address: heleepu [at] gmail [dot] com
I have to say this is my first time on your site and I'll definitely be coming back! Thanks for the great posts and for the contests! This one in particular is fantastic since Clinique is my favorite brand! Thanks again. Here's my email: Lachicabonita39@gmail.com
Great Contest! lindsay.rose9 (at) gmail (dot) com
gorgeous compact! hope I win!
enter me :)
Enter me! Cool contest! kenneth.and.karenrose (at) gmail (dot) com
Love this.
beautiful compact!
I am a twitter follower: @styleezta.
I <3 clinique sooo much!
theperfectrhyme (at) gmail (dot) com
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