I have been using this lip conditioner for years, and I buy five at a time, usually from the Jo Malone Web site. It has a luxurious light texture and virtually no scent. It leaves my parched lips happy and begging for more. Yes, I believe one can become a lip balm addict, as one of my male psychology professors noted a very long time ago! I now wonder if the power of suggestion was at fault for my addiction.
Anyhow, with Vitamin E and sun protection, this lip conditioner does it all. A bit pricey at $20, but each tube lasts a long time.
You can find this beauty at Neiman Marcus and the Jo Malone Web site. I highly recommend it.
Why am I telling you about it again? I wrote about it last summer; my love for it is just as strong; and my Google Feedburner feed was hours late today, sweeping up one of my posts for your e-mail tomorrow! That gave me an "opportunity" to reach into old posts and find one worthy of a repeat performance.
Photo courtesy of Jo Malone.
It's tough to find a lip balm with SPF that doesn't taste funny - I bought a Vincent Longo lipstick spf 20 that was a beautiful rose shade, but it was slick and oily and the spf aftertaste actually made my stomach hurt. I just had a precancerous lesion cut out of my upper lip, so SPF is a must, but I can't stand the taste - I think I will try this one. I have to do something!
Please let me know if you like it! I have converted several friends to Jo's Lip Conditioner. :)
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