How can you enter to win this set? Just leave a comment here once. After you comment, feel free to e-mail bestthingsinbeautycontests@gmail.com and identify your comment. You can never be too careful about sharing your e-mail address on a blog, so I would follow this second step if I were you (an alternative is to code your e-mail, e.g., myname at gmail dot com, in your comment).
The contest is open to residents of the United States, Canada, and Western Europe. The deadline for entries will be Saturday, June 19, at midnight. I will use a random number generator (random.org) to select the winner.
I will post this contest at Free!Grechen, my favorite giveaway site on the Web. If you like giveaway contests, you will love Free!Grechen.
Good Luck!
Photo courtesy of Smashbox
I am following Best Thing in Beauty and Gretchen on twitter. I tweeted the contest. I am @kammikoza. I am a fan of Best Thing in Beauty on facebook and shared the contest with over 400 friends on fb. I am a subscriber of BTIB and Gretchen via blogs/newsletters with email address kalei7796782@yahoo.com. I would love to get those set of lipglosses. Looks stunning!! Love those kind of shade colors.
Oh awesome!! :D
I love smashbox cosmetics!! Great giveaway! :)
Ooh,I'd love to try these Smashbox glosses :)
I love smashbox count me in
Yum! This set looks absolutely delish. I adore glosses.
You can find me at mischiefmydear [at] gmail [dot] com!
I LOVE lip gloss!!
i <3 smashbox
their glosses are my fav
I just love your site! I believe you now about being careful with your email. A SPAM'er just got ahold of mine and it was a mess (fixed now!). LOVE Smashbox!
great giveaway, thanks for hosting it.
A gal can NEVER have too much lip gloss!
outofthemist @ gmail .com (remove spaces)
Those glosses look so pretty! I've tried some of their other stuff (primer and some eyeshadow I think) and it all seems pretty quality.
Gorgeous glosses! Who wouldn't want to look naturally pretty?
Kittylitter1 at gmail dot com
I do not think luck will "strike" a second time, but just becaus they are so cute and I'd love to try them and for the fun of it too! Thank you for opening it to Europe! Have great day (and Sisley???)
I really like this set of glosses. The colors are so wearable and I love that they are nicely sized.
Thanks for the giveaway!
Wow these look great... Smashbox is so hard to find where I live. Amazing opportunity, as always on your blog, and thanks for letting Western Europe residents participate! schnurrjohanna (at) hotmail (dot) com
Smashbox glosses are great - this looks like a good tame set for work.
It would be wonderful to have some mini-glosses to tote around in my handbag -- the big ones take up too much room! And I've never had a Smashbox gloss. Thanks for the chance to win.
I love Smashbox and would love to try out these glosses. They look amazing! Thanks for the chance to win.
fjthoma at hotmail dot com
I'm a big fan of smashbox and I would love to try these glosses. I love subtle lips.
socialison at gmail dot com
Great colors
Love Smashbox but haven't tried their lipgloss yet, thanks for the chance :)
These glosses look perfect for summer. Thanks for hosting this giveaway!
thanks for the giveaway!
I love Smashbox!! :)
maireloves at gmail dot com
Enter me!
Thanks for the giveaway, I love Smashbox! :]
misswendythirteen at hotmail dot com
I have never tried Smashbox cosmetics, but I know I've seen some great looking products by them. I would love to try these out! Great giveaway. :)
These look awesome! I would love to try out these glosses. I've been using plain old chapstick for the longest time now. Never used Smashbox, but I'm sure they're great.
I LOVE smashbox!! I would LOVE to win this awesome gift!!
I love this blog (Best things in Beauty)as well!!
thanks for the opportunity!
Thanks for the contest! I would love to be entered. I love smashbox and their lets do lunch program is also great. thanks for the chance
shopgurl101 at gmail dot com
What gorgeous colors!
great collection - thanks!
This collection looks fantastic! Love the colors and the size. Yes, I would love to win this!
cspmom at gmail dot com
Another fabulous contest!! jakes mom 109 at yahoo dot com
Please enter me :)
samyrocks92 at msn dot com
Thanks for another great giveaway!
chirpatme at rocketmail dot com
Thanks for the great summer giveaway..I love Smashbox!
kmw660@aol dot com
Smashbox products are awesome!!! thompson(dot)jen85(at)gmail(dot)com
Thanks for having this great giveaway—please enter me to win!
skkorman AT bellsouth DOT net
smashbox has some great lipglosses! thanks for the chance :)
gorgeous colors! They look very refreshing...
kimberly.reuter (at) yahoo (dot) com
I saw a recent review of those glosses and am craving them-- how nice to see them here! =D
aumerle9 at gmail dot com.
LIPPIE! I love lippie!
as always, these are gorgeous!
DolphinV27 (at) aol (dot) com
I've never tried a Smashbox lip gloss and sure would love to be a winner!
I love Smashbox products. These glosses look stunning! Great contest.
Am a lipgloss junkie always searching for the perfect shade. This could help!
kellmck (at) yahoo (dot) com
yes, please! :)
What a great contest! moodymaria (@) live.com
Never tried Smashbox and would love to have a go!
Kat says: I'd love to try these! Cool giveaway!!!
katfisher1208 (at) gmail (dot) com
Nice giveaway! I'm a gloss addict, + this would be a great way to feed that:-)Never tried smashbox either. Thanks-
One can never own too much lip gloss!
The perfect colors! Thank you for the chance. vickers_73460 AT yahoo DOT com
I follow you with Blog Lovin', Google Reader and Twitter. Thanks for the great giveaway :)
Renee Richardson/missreneer
I'd love to try this! thanks for the awesome giveaway contest!
Love the shades of these glosses; so perfect for the summer!
I love trying "sample" sizes before I buy. Thanks for the giveaway.
Love these colors for the summer!!! Thanks for the giveaway :)
Thank you for hosting this fabulous giveaway - I would be SO thrilled to win! I have been dying to try Smashbox cosmetics for the longest time! By the way, I follow you on Twitter (@Nelsby).
sierranelsby (at) gmail (dot) com
Glad I discovered your blog! Please count me in!
delilah0180 (at) yahoo (dot) com
I've never tried anything from Smashbox, but I've heard so much about them! I'd love to try these out.
Twitter: @MaeGalsFashion
Email: maegalsfashion(at)yahoo(dot)com
I really like the colors. I usually go for soft, neutral colors that look natural and not too loud. I'd love to win this!
I like, I like!!
Thank You!
deine.kable at yahoo dot com
Always a fan of the blog, lovely! Also, a fan of Smashbox, and I have been trying more & more of their products, and think that the simplicity of these nude glosses would compliment both a smokey eye for night drama, or could be paired with a pastel eye for work/ weekend play. Would absolutely LOVE to pair some of these glosses w/ a new Smashbox eye-shadow quad I just got from Sephora...I'll share the pics if I win! ;)
Good luck ladies!!
Hi darlin, please enter me, I live in US.
email: lizdonskaya[at]gmail[dot]com
I'm addicted to lip glosses, especially in the summertime.
Thanks for the giveaway.
lynnx512 at gmail dot com
smashbox makes the best lip gloss!! i love illume! enter me thanks
styleezta at gmail dot com
Great giveaway! Thanks!
I would love to try these. Thanks for the giveaway.
charisscharity at yahoo dot com
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