I had an opportunity to talk with someone who was at the multi-day Tom Ford launch at Bergdorf Goodman last week. She told me that the colors were selected to fall into two categories: the first for a soft, natural look and the second for a dramatic look. It's clear to me that Frantic Pink falls into the first category. It's a great blush for a soft, pretty look.
Here are a couple of swatch photos taken in full sun. I actually applied the color fairly heavily at the top of my arm, using a sponge-tipped applicator. Even so, it's soft and natural. In the swatch below, I applied Frantic Pink with a dense blush brush, using a heavy hand. I wanted to get enough color to show you the hue.
To m
There has been much conversation in the last few weeks about Tom Ford Beauty. There are two schools of thought. Some believe the prices are ridiculous and won't buy/order on principle; others, like me, were willing to try the line, waiting to judge its cost to value ratio. I believe the Cheek Colors are definitely worth your attention. The compacts (brown and gold, hefty, suede-like pouch, etc., as I've mentioned already) are extremely nice. The colors themselves - at least the two I purchased - are stunning. You get a nice large block of product in the pan.
The Eye Color Quads seem to be drawing the most polarized attention. Even I had mixed reactions, finding Golden Mink to be pretty, but not worth its high-end price, but also finding Sahara Haze to be drop-dead gorgeous and worth every cent of the $75. I've read some high praise for other quads as well.
I'm now intrigued - to the point I'm going to have to purchase it - with Shade & Illuminate, a duo that Tom Ford designed to chisel our cheekbones (basically, apply the brown and top it with the white). My friend, a new Tom Ford representative, said it's an outstanding item in the collection. I won't identify her until I get her permission. I'll just tell you that she knows her luxury makeup. She saw Shade & Illuminate in use at Bergdorfs last week and was blown away by it. Enough said for me! She told me I'd be an Intensity One, so as soon as I can find a new source for money, I'll be purchasing it.
I doubt I'll purchase more than Shade & Illuminate now. I can't see the collection in person. I understand additional doors will be added when Tom Ford's spring collection is launched, and I'm hoping that one of them will be in the DC area. There are currently only 10 doors carrying the line. I'm not sure why New York got three, and we got none. We have two worthy Neiman Marcus stores and a great Saks Fifth Avenue at Chevy Chase, Maryland. Despite rumors (or wishful thinking) from several of the stores, I hear the locations are not yet set in stone.
If you want to shop Tom Ford Beauty, the line is available at Neiman Marcus' Web site and select Neiman Marcus stores. It's also available at Bergdorf Goodman.
Photo at top courtesy of Neiman Marcus; other photos by Best Things in Beauty
I've been waiting with baited breath for your review of this blush! You seem to be one of the few commentators on this line who can look at the products with a clear eye- not dazzled by the Tom Ford cache, but not blinded by the price point either. Admittedly, it is a tough balance to strike with these competing concerns, but I appreciate your thoughtful posts.
Now I have to put together my first order! I'm dying for the Silver Topaz quad, but I'm so worried about the eye shadows. As you noted, the reviews have been all over the place.
Hi LuckyRedLisa!
My TF insider said Silver Topaz was very pretty. Does that help?
Thanks for your thoughtful comment. It is a tough balance. I'd recommend you start with a small order and see how you feel after you've played. I ordered four items, and the four allowed me to give TF a "three for four" score. That's not bad for a blind order.
I just want to see the makeup in person - so badly! Not enough to hop on a train to New York, but...
I was thinking of buying the Wicked blush but this one might be a better choice to start with. It's hard to pick something online when they don't give a description of the color. Those photos are always off. I don't really *need* new eye shadows but a nice blush, definitely.
Hi Evelyn,
I had to go look at the photo of Wicked. It looks significantly more colorful than Frantic Pink. If you can pull off the color, why not? I'll bet it's best for women with medium-toned skin.
What perfect timing! Frantic Pink is on my list of things to check out when I go to Neiman's in Beverly Hills this week to see all the new Edward Bess. If it looks as beautiful as your swatches indicate, this Tom Ford baby will be coming home with me. This is shaping up to be an expensive week for me: EB and TF product shopping at Neiman's and a Guerlain session with Marcus Monson on Friday. Oh là là!
Oooh, Eileen, what fun! I found out yesterday that my EB items, which I thought had shipped, were still in NY. Not sure how that snafu occurred, but I'm more anxious than ever.
Guerlain too? You are going to have a blast.
I think you'll find Frantic Pink compelling. Please let us know!
I haven't played around with pink blushes enough. I need to rediscover them when my skin gets whiter in the dead of winter. I used to own Dame by MAC but it made me look bruised. Too much blue? This is so pretty, Charlestongirl! I have no idea when I'll get a chance to head downtown to swatch some Tommy F's....maybe when construction season slows down. :-)
Hi Lovethescents!
The nice thing about Fickle Pink is that it is neutral in tone. It won't be too blue on you. I know exactly what you mean. Even though I have cool-toned skin, some pinks are too blue for me!
This is my favorite of the TF items you've featured thus far. Not something that would show up on me, but gorgeous nonetheless, and stunning against your lovely skin tone.
Thanks for the recommendation! Just ordered frantic pink..it looks beautiful..hope ut looks just as good on me!
Joey, even if you applied it heavily? Did you look at Wicked? It's a darker pink. Maybe that one?
Holly, I'm sure it will look great. It's such a pretty color!
I really like the mascara, but not much else excited me. I find the packaging very dated looking. If I *had* to choose a second item it would be the blushes, followed by a lipstick. The mascara is overpriced but gives long, voluminous lashes with no flakes or smudges, even after a run! Paraben free as well.
Great feedback, SB!
I usually start with the "sexy" items. :)
Glad to hear you like the mascara. I had heard it's volumizing, though, which scared me off. I often get globs from the "thickening" mascaras.
I'll have to debate Wicked and Frantic Pink. My skin tends to be warmish and light and I do manage to pull off the Chanel Rouge blush - with a light hand. :) Ah, makeup is so much fun!
Hi Evelyn, just think pink vs. peach, and the choice will be easy. Except that I had to have both. :)
I've been dying to order some Tom Ford Beauty, but have been afraid of the disparity of color online vs real life. I'd been thinking Wicked blush, but am reconsidering. I like a more natural blush and Frantic Pink might be a better choice. I still can't make up my mind on the eyeshadow. Beauty girl problems, right?!
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