To celebrate its arrival, Best Things in Beauty has an Illamasqua Kiss Powder Blusher for our latest giveaway contest.
The Illamasqua Powder Blusher ($23) is "intense and highly pigmented." The brand says, "Be bold, be daring, and be the center of attention." Whew! I'm not sure about that part, but I can tell you the products apply true to their appearance. If they look dark, they are because they are highly pigmented. You can still use a light hand to apply the darker shades; you just have to be aware if you have a fair complexion.
I have a powder blusher in Kiss to give away. Kiss is pretty dusty plum color - perfect for fall. To enter, just e-mail bestthingsinbeautycontests@gmail.com and tell me what your favorite July posting on Best Things in Beauty was. That way, you get a chance to win, and I get some feedback on the postings you like.
The contest will close at midnight on August 7. Good Luck!
P.S. I have posted this giveaway on Free!Grechen, a pretty cool site for contests and giveaways.
Photo courtesy of Sephora.
Awesome giveaway-thanks for the chance!
Emma, you're very welcome. Good Luck! I love all my new readers, and the e-mails are so nice! Thank you.
It looks gorgeous!
Thanks for the giveaway!
Good Luck, Rachael!
I wish I could give a product to all of you. I love my readers.
Next giveaway will be something cool from Armani.
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