I have been very touched by your concerns for my recovery, so I thought I would take a blog moment to give you an update. I am definitely better! My therapist has been the most realistic in answering my questions, measuring my progress, and helping me set "proper" expectations. I now realize that I will be "disabled" for months, not weeks. After knee replacement surgery, critical recovery milestones revolve around bending and straightening the knee. Both are tortuous, so I have to do what should be easy, but in reality are painful, exercises every day. I can now bend my knee to an angle in the 70-80 degree range - and the goal is 110 to 130. My PT said 70 is good for two weeks, but we need to get to 90 in the next two. The muscles are so stiff, I'm sure it will involve hard work - and a few painkillers. As soon as I post this, I will be exercising again! I understand that those who recover fully suffer to do it.
Thank you for sticking with me as my blogging schedule has suffered (along with me). If I am not writing, you can bet I am working on my milestones...or am covered by a big Bengal who can't believe his fortune of having a 24/7 lap. Charlie has gone a bit overboard with the love and affection.
It's time for The Friday Forum. We use the forum to share information and chat. Did you find any deals you couldn't resist this week (I did)? Are you using a fabulous product and want to sing its praises? Did you find a beauty product disappointing? Do you have a question others might be able to answer? Want to talk about skin care? Just use the comments. Don't be shy. Just make sure to ask any question you might have over the weekend. By Monday, most readers have moved on.
We have busy weekends and slow ones on the forum. I'm always happy if even one reader stops by. Leave a comment, and say hello - even if you don't want to comment on beauty products. If I am notified of any great beauty offers (great, not just good) over the weekend, I will leave word in the comments of this post.
Thanks for reading Best Things in Beauty! Got anything you want to talk about?
Photo courtesy of bookclubs.barnsandnoble.com
I'm so glad you're feeling a bit better. My dad had his knee replaced a couple of years ago and I do remember how much he hated the excercises. Hang in there!
Thanks, Victoria!
My Mom had both of her knees replaced, and I really believe that her failure to work hard - real hard - led to her so-so outcome. I plan to break that family pattern!
Charlie hates the exercises too. As I was doing them a few minutes ago, his feelings were hurt as I refused his "advances" to sit on me. He left in a huff. He doesn't realize I'm not just lying here, I'm hanging my leg from a prop to straighten it, gritting out the 30 count. He'll get over it.
You have a good attitude about this, and I imagine it is so hard when all you want to do is be back in action!
You're amazing, seriously. Hope we can all motivate you and keep your entertained while you're recovering:) Enjoy the kitty love!
I got a laugh out of your 24/7 lap. I can just imagine Charley. He probably thinks he's died and gone to heaven. Purrrr. . . He's such a dear heart and it's obvious he loves his "mama".
Well, thanks to your lovely post about the new Guerlain Kiss Kiss glosses, I went to Nordstrom yesterday, a woman on a mission! When I saw my favorite Guerlain SA, I told her I had returned to take a look at Fizzy Mango. She said, "You know, Eileen, with your coloring, I wondered why you weren't interested. It's definitely your color." As soon as I saw it, I wondered why, too. How had I walked by Fizzy Mango the first time without a second glance? Perhaps I was just too bedazzled by the Blush G to notice anything else :-) In any event, I was glad I had returned. It's one of those sheer, lush colors that puts you in mind of tropical flowers. I love it! I also picked up Fraise á Croquer (#821). It means strawberry crunch, but it is actually a medium toned hot pink. It's another decidedly tropical color. Now that I have Nakkar (red), Fizzy Mango (orange), and Fraise á Croquer (pink), I think I'm ready for an island holiday. How about you?
Today, the infamous Santa Ana winds have kicked up; blowing hot, dry air in from the desert regions east of LA. It's not quite 9:30 and it's already 74. If the wind dies down, we should be in for a glorious holiday weekend. Here's wishing everyone a happy and meaningful Martin Luther King Day.
Thanks, Laurie! That kitty love can be smothering. He just got rebuffed again. Before lunch, I was resting on my side. He draped himself over my waist, with front paws on my back. He will do anything to pin me down - probably so I don't leave him again. :)
Hi Eileen! Glad to help you "discover" Fizzy Mango. It is a perfect spring color for so many of us.
I still need to write up that amazing blush. I adore it! Hopefully, tomorrow. Hope you enjoy the holiday too! It's a fitting time to think about peace and love.
Just sending some good wishes to help you recover.
I agree that cats do seem to have a weird sense of timing - one of ours would pounce on my head from behind if I was trying to do floor-exercises, a habit that resulted in both of us "enjoying" considerably raised heart-rates!
Take care, and be good to yourself.
cheerio, Anna in Edinburgh
I'm glad that you are making progress, and I know that any PT exercises are no fun. I am facing knee replacement too, but I can't afford to be out of commission while I have young children. It sounds like you are doing great and that you have a great mental attitude.
No purchases for me lately, but it looks like I need to make a trip to Nordstrom soon. I have been rediscovering Estee Lauder, and the new collection looks very inviting.
Take care!
Thanks, Anna! I now feel fortunate Charlie outgrew his pouncer life. I can deal with needy nudging onto my lap. :)
Hi KathyT!
The only person you can look out for after this surgery is yourself. It's a full-time job. Don't put it off as long as I did, though. It's easier to heal if you were strong going in.
Tom Pecheux's collections for EL have been stunning. I can't wait to see what's next. There is new skin care too; looks intriguing.
I'm so glad you are on your way to recovery! You are so brave, so I know you'll get through this, difficult as it is. And yes, I know from experience that pain killers can work wonders when you're going through such physical pain, although I've never had the benefit of a Charlie (lol.) I'm all "aww" about Charlie, such a dear.
Best wishes and sunshine from Cali!
Thanks, Saint Jean! It's at this time of year that California sunshine sounds very appealing!
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