Sun Beam is like liquid sunshine in a bottle. The golden bronze highlighter gives a natural, sun-kissed radiance. Dot and blend over makeup onto cheek and brow bones for a bronzed glow that complements all skin tones. This product illuminates your bronzer; it adds a pretty golden touch. It doesn't replace it. Benefit recommends you start with Hoola, its own matte bronzer, then add Sun Beam. I recommend mixing it with your foundation, just as you can mix in Giorgio Armani Beauty's Fluid Sheer with foundation. Blend a drop of the liquid with your foundation in your palm and apply as usual. You'll develop a sudden golden glow.
I have one Sun Beam to give away. I bought one for me and one for one of you. How can you enter this contest (technically a sweepstakes)? Just leave a comment on this feature (not in another BTiB post). After you comment here, feel free to send me an e-mail at bestthingsinbeautycontests@gmail.com and identify your comment. You can never be too careful about sharing an e-mail address you care about on a blog, so feel free to follow this step (an alternative is to code your e-mail, e.g., myname at gmail dot com, in your comment).
You can earn extra entries. Follow this blog (through an e-mail subscription, GFC, or though one of the many Google readers - see sidebar at right) to earn a second entry. If you are a follower, it would help me tally entries if you tell me in your comment how you follow. You don't have to follow to enter. I want everyone to have a chance, but I also want to reward my followers. I must be able to track this entry.
You can earn a third entry by tweeting this contest. You must include "@BTiBeauty" (without the quotes) and the contest title in your tweet. Remember, tweet the contest title - if you don't, that entry won't count. I will tweet the contest this afternoon, and you can simply retweet it to earn that second entry - if that's easier.
This contest is open to anyone anywhere. Here are the terms. I will carefully pack and ship the prize (as I always do). I cannot insure the prize for overseas shipment - it's amazingly expensive to do so because of the way I have to send insured mail. If it's lost or stolen in transit, I may not be able to replace it with another prize just like it. I'll do my best on this end; let's see if your mail service does right by you on the other end if we have an overseas winner. Lately, my shipping luck has improved significantly.
For all the legalese related to this contest, please see the Contests/Sweepstakes page at the top of the blog. Good luck!
Photo courtesy of Sephora
high beam was my favorite highlighter, i can't wait to test out sunbeam. my email is mybeadifullife@gmail.com. i love benefit products!
I would like to get it, be the luck on my side. Thx - Alica - alica@cleis.net
Love Benefit!!
GFC: Whimsical Glam
email: emmabubbygirl(at)hotmail(dot)com
GFC: Abegail Abundo
email: abegail 856@ gmail dot co
Tweeted: https://twitter.com/#!/iamabegaila/status/158610846505906176
I'd like to win:D
I foolow you via GFC: vivien-zsofia
email: zsovia@freemail.hu
I really can't wait to test this out!
GFC: Nicole
email: surreal.escape@gmail.com
please! I could use a little sunshine. winter skin needs a little glow.
Great giveaway I would love to try benefit product for the very first time..
GFC: Nida Moughal
email: moughalnida@gmail.com
twitter following: @glittersmitter5
tweet link: https://twitter.com/#!/GlitterSmitter5/status/158618547688439808
I'd like to enter!
GFC: Felizia
email: felizzzia@gmail.com
Thanks! :)
Great giveaway!
I tweeted https://twitter.com/#!/olgap77/status/158631495764934656
olgaliki77 at gmail dot com
Benefit products have such a long lasting life. They last forever. Winning would be nice.
I love your blog. I hope I win as I'd love to try this. I have an email subscription to your blog.
i've never tried high beam, hopefully i'll get to try it out soon! :)
xyoulovekarlene at gmail dot com
i am a gfc follower xyoulovekarlene
xyoulovekarlene at gmail dot com
i have yet to try any of benefits highlighters yet
erica_kempf at yahoo dot com
i subscribe via google reader
Thanks for this giveaway! I have yet to try a Benefit liquid product. This looks really lovely-- I like the idea of sun! I floow with GFC and my gmail is cuteandmundane
So excited to try this! My email is amy.d.fain@gmail.com
This sounds amazing but all your giveaways are so great and generous.All the best
reneeg at discoverymail.co.za
I'd love to enter the contest!
I follow you as Ria via GFC and my email address is freeeedz at yahoo dot com
Thanks for this :)
I really want to try this!
Email : kooky-tina at hotmail dot co dot uk
and i follow via gfc : tina:) and email xx
You are so very generous. Thanks for the chance.
Email subscriber.
I haven't tried many gels/liquids from Benefit, so I'd love to try this one! A little something to brighten us up in the middle of winter!
I follow & GFC with ladyisla (at) gmail (dot) com
I like Moon Beam, so I would love to try Sun Beam too. Thanks for the giveaway! I follow you by email and on Google Reader.
kdtisdale14 at gmail dot com
I'd love to try this -- looks beautiful!
I'm alrady following your blog via RSS (I use Google Reader for RSS). Does that count? :)
Not sure if I tweeted it right the first time, but doesn't hurt to do it twice, right? (one of them should work!)
Oh must try! Thanks for the giveaway.
I love Benefit! Their BadGal lash was an all-time favorite beauty product of mine. I would love to try Sun Beam!
Thanks so much!
I follow you via GFC (through my Twitter, Name: Tee).
Thanks so much!
I tweeted:
Thanks so much!
this reminds me of my favorite Chanel bronzer from years back...i bet it will beautiful with a tan.love your blog igh
Oh what a great giveaway, I LOVE Benefit!!
I follow via google friend connect: Comme3pommes
email: ohhhcomme3pommes at gmail dot com
Thank you :)
Benefit has really been hitting it out of the ball park lately! Looking forward to this and to the new liquid foundation they're launching soon.
kittylitter1 at gmail dot com
I heard some many great things about Benefit's Sun Beam and would love to give it a go.
Moniquehasana at yahoo dot com
I think we could all use a little sunshine right now! Thank you, CG!
GFC name and email: Sherry Brooks
ElisMom1 (at) gmail (dot) com
Email subscriber: crystesmom (at) yahoo (dot) com
I am so curious about these. I don't have any highlighters yet.
i'd love to try this!
i subscribe by email
aznhanavira at gmail dot com
ooh this looks fantastic!!
GFC: Cherry Lane
Email: mycheerylane@gmail.com
I love Benefit!!
mbhs (at) att (dot) net
I'd love to try this product. My skin could use some "sun-kissed radiance".
I subscribe to your RSS feed in a Google Reader.
I saw this product recently and thought it looked very interesting,. Always looking for illuminating or products that add radiance to your face. Great choice for a giveaway yet again.
I subscribe to your blog via email, kleimanlaw at aol dot com, GFC, Diane Kleiman, and follow you on twitter, @DianeLori
kleimanlaw at aol dot com
I follow you on twitter, @DianeLori and email, kleimanlaw at aol dot com and GFC, Diane Kleiman
kleimanlaw at aol dot com
I tweeted this contest on my twitter page, @DianeLori and the link is as follows:
kleimanlaw at aol dot com
thank you for the opportunity!! Have heard a lot of good stuff about this highlighter!
mail: crzysuchi4u[at]yahoo[dot]com
i follow you via mail subscription and twitter.
tweeted : https://twitter.com/#!/pinkbelle88
I'd love to win:)
GFC: preciouspearl
email: preciouspearlmakeup at gmail dot com
Tweet: https://twitter.com/#!/pearlmakeup/status/158886095118016512
I never tried anything from Benefit and i would love to ;)
twitter follower:@Anibaniii
retweeted your post
what a great giveaway! i've tried posie pink and i loved it. since i am super-pale, i'm sure this product will help. thanks for the giveaway!
GFC name bill clay
email b.clay1@gmail.com
want it!! thank you.
email/gfc follower too..
GFC follower :Shopping Monster
niosewampicie at gmail dot com
i'd love to try it :)
love the giveaway!
Email: gabjuk@hotmail.com
GFC follower - gaby
Email: gabjuk@hotmail.com
tweeted: https://twitter.com/#!/g_gaby_gaby/status/158991718719561728
twittwr name: @b_gaby_gaby
email: gabjuk@hotmail.com
I hope win this time!
I follow you also via RSS, Bloglovin, Twitter @CybelleWicca
I wouldn't mind a bit of liquid sunshine. It's freezing where I am. Brrrrrr.
I follow via GFC (BooBooNinja)
and I tweeted. I'll email you my tweet. Cheers!
I have a special spot for highlighters and bronzers and this one looks like both :) I'm in!
Skittles131 at aol dot com
I love Benefit products, and would love to win this!
vicious081 AT hotmail DOT com
I'd love to win! Thanks for the chance!
lfior0022 at gmail dot com
I follow you via google reader! lfior0022 at gmail dot com
I tweeted your giveaway! user lfior0022
lfior0022 at gmail dot com
please count me in! this would help bring a sunnier side to pale pale winter skin...
miriam dot nussbaum at gmail
PS I follow with gfc with this ID
miriam dot nussbaum at gmail
Sun Beam is like liquid sunshine in a bottle. - it's sounds so great. i would not mind some sunshine right now, even the one from the bottle :)
following you via GFC
Please enter me! I'd love to get it!
alelale at live dot com
I already follow you through GFC (Fabulosity)
alelale at live dot com
tweeted: https://twitter.com/#!/Aljsa/status/159256636492488704
alelale at live dot com
Enter me :D
GFC: Ana Rita Marques
Email: anarita_6_5@hotmail.com
GFC: Ana Rita Marques
Email: anarita_6_5@hotmail.com
Tweet: https://twitter.com/#!/AnaRiii/status/159317861049958400
GFC: collifornia
Email: holliister at gmail dot com
Tweet: https://twitter.com/#!/collifornia/status/159376953529479168
Hope to win!! oh my..
Followed you.
GFC name: Alta Infante
email: alta.infante(at)yahoo(dot)com
GFC: Sarah Crawford
TweeT: https://twitter.com/#!/sarahcrawford14/status/159508051030851584
Fabulous prize. This would be a great addition to my Benefit products.
GFC Bebe
Email bebe03 (at) live (dot) com (dot) sg
Tweet https://twitter.com/#!/pllee88/status/159566742954328064
ooh, sign me up!
And I follow you on igoogle, or at least I'm trying to. :)
I would love to try this, thanks for the giveaway! :)
I follow through Google Reader.
What a lovely giveaway!!
I follow you via email:
htaschian at sbcglobal dot net
and via GFC: taschian
Thanks for the giveaway! decembeir at gmail dot com
I follow you on GoogleReader! decembeir at gmail dot com
I follow via GFC - my follower name is aimeeus
My email is aimeeus_prime@hotmail.co.uk
What an awesome giveaway!
Thanks! x
Ooh, this looks cool!
GFC: Marlee
email: loverlyxo(@)yahoo(.)com
thank you :)
indyhaw at gmail
Thanks for the amazing giveaway
i love your blog
i wanted to try a highlighter, it looks great
Email angelinrhythm(at)yahoo(dot)com
followed via gfc as
angel charm
already a subscriber via email angelinrhythm(at)yahoo(dot)com
and have it in my yahoo reader same email address
tweet https://twitter.com/#!/angelcharm1/status/160441054838001664
It looks so nice and shiny! Please, count me in :)
+1 follower
I Love Benefit cosmetics !
Follow via GFC: Sadi
email: sadia.latif10@gmail.com
Follow on twitter @Sad20ful
Tweeted here : https://twitter.com/#!/Sad20ful/status/160740338762387456
Thankss alot
Great giveaway!
Love Benefit
anna_k67 at yahoo dot com
following on twitter and gfc
anna_k67 at yahoo dot com
I'd love to try this! Thanks for the generous contest :)
Thank you for the awesome giveaway!
e-mail: caca.polish@hotmail.com
I've never tried any of Benefit's liquid highlighters, but the swatches I've seen of this are too pretty. I'd love to try it :). Alexis - alexissnooks at gmail dot com :)
Hi there! Thanks for the awesome giveaway :)
GFC follower- BreAnnNicole
Email- breannshepherd@gmail.com
I have been absolutely lusting after Sun Beam!! And this contest comes just in time for Spring! Thank you!
GFC: yesplease1816
tweeted: https://twitter.com/#!/yesplease1816/status/160921037956063232
email: (will send it to you)
My skin could really use this to brighten it up.
winit6 at hotmail dot com
Email subscriber of yours.
winit6 at hotmail dot com
winit6 at hotmail dot com
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