It's "kinda gorgeous." I managed to overcome my desire for the last temptress, a dark green Gucci number. If I needed a handbag, I might justify a purchase, but I don't, and I can't. Help!
Photo courtesy of Nordstrom
Daily Beauty Blog about Cosmetics, Treatments, Fragrances, and More
I will be of no help to you here... designer handbags are a major weakness for me... and red is my favorite color. I'll keep my mouth shut lol
Oh my, thanks for the "help," my friend! Can I talk you into this beautiful bag? That red would look smashing with your coloring. :)
It's cute...it's got a bit of a Betty Boop thing going on, or maybe a Minnie Mouse air to it. Where will you wear it to? Hmmmmm?
There. Did that help?
Oh that is adorable!!! But don't do it...just think of ALL the cosmetics you could buy if you didn't buy that cute little number. (I'm feeling conflicted)
That sure is gorgeous! You never know, maybe Santa takes a peek at your blog every now and then ;)
Betty Booop and Minnie Mouse, Lovethescents? That could talk me out of it!
I'd wear bright red with just about anything. I love it as an accessory color.
Soni, I did! That's the first thing that went through my mind, makeup deprivation!
Hi LuvJ!
Santa Mom doesn't know I write a blog. The real Santa would tell me to buy the bright red bag, I'm sure. Something about Christmas colors...
I'm sorry I can't help. If I had $1300 lying around I'd be the first on line to buy it! My love of red handbags goes along with my love of red lipstick. :) You'd stop traffic if you had it.
It's a beauty but a one-day fad. You'll be fed up before you've carried it out of the shop.
Is that convincing? :-/
Hey there, Evelyn, how about you buy it and rent it out to us?
Keep trying. I know you're right, of course, but when will red patent ever go out of style? I'm staying strong, but the night is young. I'm so tempted to hit the pre-sale order button. However, I keep remembering my CREED bottle, which might be available as early as tomorrow. That will set me back.
Rachel beat me to it, and I agree wholeheartedly with her. It's a cute bag, but so of the moment. If red patent leather is the It bag right now, there are other bags out there with less of a bite. So you can have your Creed and eat it too. :)
That was so funny, Taffy! Loved it!
Just do it! You can't take it with you :)
(and now I know I will never be invited to go shopping with any of you)
LOL, Anonymous! You're my kind of shopper!
It's Red!
It's Shiny!
It has a Bow!
What else do you need?
I was all for it until I saw that it was patent leather. For that price tag, you're better off buying a PS1 - more elegant, more timeless, and works with everything =)
I didn't see any dimensions listed. If it's large, it would look great on someone tall. Dramatic and eye-catching. I'm very small, so it would probably overwhelm me. It wouldn't be an accessory, it would be an outfit! A big, overwhelming, shiny red outfit.
But on someone tall? Striking. ($1,300 striking?) If it's medium-sized, it would look great, period. But again, $1,300 on red patent leather... Am I helping? I don't know how tall you are...
You don't need that bag. :) That bag is like an outfit. How many times will you wear it ? 2-3 times? 4? At $300 per wear... It is not beautiful enough.
Also, it is like buying a dress. You can go for something less extravagant and you can get more of it. Or you can just buy a bold red dress that you use only once. It would feel like "everybody saw this dress... I can't wear it again".
Also, this is bold fshion statement. This bag seems really large. The bag will wear you and not vice versa. Instead of "who is that gorgeous blond woman " everybody would wonder " where did she buy the bag? "
And if my practical comments didn't change your mind, one more: patent leather is going out of fashion. Also red works for Xmas. Would you use it in February? March?
If it didn't help I can find few more reasons. :))
lol Rent a bag isn't a bad idea! All I can say is what I usually tell myself when makeup I'd like is sold out or when I feel I'm turning into a lemming for makeup and need to stop - I can't have this now but I'm sure something just as nice will come up in the future that will work for me. I'm sure there will be another pretty handbag in the future (less than $1300 of course!).
OK, Anonymous, that helped. The bag might wear me. :)
It's lovely but too big, too showy (red accessories are better when they are smaller)...you will get tired of it quickly...Think of all the cute small ones that you might buy and which would add a really smart touch to your outfit when you go out for a special occasion! I don't know if that will help...
moreover the price is......!?!unbelievable for just an accessory:-)
Hi Clarisse, that does it! I'm not buying it.
Thank you all for talking me out of it. It worked! I'll just admire its picture. :)
You're right, Melisand61! I didn't pay any attention to the size, and when I went back to check, there was no mention of the dimensions on the Nordstrom site! It could be humongous.
OK, Cheryl, that was NOT helpful. LOL
I need to tally the pros and cons here and see if I should waver in my resolve to save the money for makeup.
This bag is too cute! Like it was dipped in red candy and came out gleaming. And this is coming from a girl who is not much of a 'red' fan.
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