This was a crazy-busy week, so I'm in a TGIF mood. Even though I'll be working today, I'm working from home, so Charlie is hanging close, enjoying the company. It's a little hard to type with a cat in your lap. If he would sit still, I could make it work, but he keeps adjusting. For example, right now, his head is obscuring half the keyboard. I'm alternately petting him and typing. If there are typos in this feature, blame him.
Now that we've had a few days to digest the news that Paula Dean is diabetic, what do you think? I'm amazed by the firestorm of opinion. Did she ever promise on the air that her recipes were healthy? Did she ever ask the obese nation to eat her food and only her food? Nope! She delighted - just as I did watching her - in good 'ol Southern food. Anyone with a brain would know that you can't eat the Paula Dean way everyday. Did she have an obligation to disclose a medical condition? Nope! Who are the people currently blasting her? Everyone from entertainment physicians to fellow chefs (who aren't all that slim themselves). What ever happened to personal responsibility? OK, I'll get off my soapbox now and go send a love letter to Paula Dean. I wish her the best with her health, and I may go get fried chicken for lunch.
I loved watching the Golden Globes last Sunday night - although the show is always too long. There have been a zillion beauty follow-ups this week. I lost interest by Tuesday, so I didn't spend time translating all the product pitches into features for you. Anyone interested in how the celebrity looks were created can Google the information at this point. I was fascinated by the short segment on Angelina Jolie's red lips on Access Hollywood last night. A Dior makeup artist showed how to paint a red pout. I was fascinated because he never mentioned lip liner. A severe red lip usually needs a liner to keep the edges crisp. There were a few other rules he didn't mention. Maybe they cut those parts in the editorial process.
Tonight, overnight, we are supposed to be reminded that it's winter. A little snow and ice is coming our way. I'm headed outside to get a few photos - too early in the day, but our sun is supposed to disappear soon. I'll be back later with some makeup must-haves.
It's time for The Friday Forum, our open chat. What new products did you discover this week? Did you find any deals you couldn't resist? Are you using a fabulous product and want to sing its praises? Did you find a beauty product disappointing? Do you have a question others might be able to answer? Want to talk about skin care? What's new in your life? Just use the comments. Don't be shy. Just make sure to ask any question you might have over the weekend. By early the next week, most (not all) readers have moved on.
Don't forget this week's cool giveaway contest for Benefit's Sun Beam golden bronze highlighter. It's a cheerful touch of sunlight for mid-January.
Photo courtesy of wildlifeofpakistan
Oh your little fox...I've never heard foxes barking. I should google that as we have foxes around our area too. I don't want them too close as we have small children, but I want them close enough to handle the summer squirrels that like to destroy my veg garden ;-)
I have no idea who Paula Dean is but wherever she is, I hope she's happy ;-)
This was an emotionally expensive week for me but I'm trying to rise about the garbage.
The Chanel counter at the nearest mall finally got the Spring collection but no testers! How weird is that. Probably a good thing as I don't need to spend on anything but a new bathing suit pre-holidays.
Speaking of which, has anyone here ordered from VS online? I'm seriously contemplating doing that but am concerned that it won't fit properly and I'd have to pay for return shipping...
Two tiny purchases this week: Maybelline's Baby Lips has an SPF 20, lightly tinted in a small array of colours, and quite moisturizing! Price point of less than $7 means I won't feel bad if/when I lose one or two ;-)
Hi C-Girl,
I hope your fox comes back around. My mom loves to feed animals and neighborhood stray cats, and if they ever disappeared, I know how upset she would be.
I am kind of torn about Paula Deen. I agree with you that there is no disclaimer necessary that the food she makes is not the healthiest (but seriously, her split pea soup recipe is the best I've ever tried). Common sense tells you that moderation is the way to go with foods like that. I also don't think she was required to disclose her health condtition. She wasn't even advocating that people should eat like this all the time. I was shocked at the amount of animosity, too. And Anthony Bourdain kind of comes off as a bully.
The thing that did concern me was her statement regarding a lifestyle change for people who have diabetes. I believe she implied that people who have diabetes should not have to give up the things they love. Unfortunately, that is pretty much exactly what you have to do. At the very least, you have to make some serious lifestyle changes. My father (and most of my grandparents) have Type II diabetes, and it really does require some serious restrictions in order to control blood sugar. So, in the sense that she is adovocating that you skip dessert once a week and don't change much else, I find that to be a bit disconcerting. On the other hand, it is really up to the individual how they manage their diabetes.
As for makeup, I got a lot of stuff this week. I ordered the new NARS Velvet Gloss Lip Pencil in Mexican Rose. It is gorgeous. A stunning hot pink/red. It is B-O-L-D. I usually wear a very pale lip, and this is outside my comfort zone. But it is lovely. I also ordered a Duo Eyeshadow in Eurydice, and was disappointed. The colors don't look great on me. It's going back. Plus, at this point, the only e/s I want to wear are LMdB, Edward Bess and Chantecaille.
I also got my YSL Golden Gloss #50, the peach shade. Gorgeous. Continuing with the lip theme, I also got a Rouge Pur Couture in #6. It is a nice, neutral nude with hints of pink. Not my favorite nude, but a pretty shade.
Hi, Eileen! Still loving the Violet Blonde. And now I am seriously considering getting some of TF's makeup brushes, including the one for the Shade & Illuminate. There was an eye brush I looked at as well. I really love his makeup line. Did you say you had tried some of the eyeshadow quads?
Have a lovely weekend everyone!
Well, Charlestongirl, I'm 100% with you regarding Paula Dean. Her health issues are strictly between her and her physician. In this day, when people are so concerned about protecting privacy, I don't know why anyone would think they have the right to know other people's most personal health information. I say to all those people hating on her, develope some personal responsibility, self-restraint, common sense, and get on with life. I like your idea of sending her a word of support, Charlestongirl. I'll do that today.
Hi Kate,
You must have been reading my mind. Yes, I bought the Tom Ford brush #04 for Shade and Illuminate. I tried several different brushes and also my fingers, but nothing has worked as well as this brilliantly designed precision brush at creating a refined and natural sculpted look. It's genius! If you're really happy with S&I, then I think it's worth it to get the brush.
I had some holiday money so I bought two other brushes as well. I got the cream foundation brush #02 which is very dense and plush, soft to the touch, and gets foundation into nooks and crannies while blending to perfection. It's become my favorite foundation brush.
I also got the large eye shader brush #11. It does a beautiful job of picking up TF's shadows and laying them down exactly where you want them without any fallout and it also blends them evenly. (I have the quad in Cognac Sable and would like to get a couple more) The #11 is a lovely brush.
Apropos Tom Ford brushes, they are made in Japan and the word is that they are manufactured by Hakuhodo which would explain the superlative quality and beautiful craftsmanship. TF's brushes are an expensive indulgence to be sure, but they are outstanding. Fans of Hakuhodo and Suqqu brushes will want to add at least one TF to their collection.
Hi Everyone,
I'm sure that all of you lovely ladies have heard by now that Edward Bess is available on-line at Sephora. It's not his complete collection by any stretch, but it's a start and will give so many of you access to some of his wonderful products. Good news, indeed.
To everyone, TGIF and have a great weekend.
Hi Lovethescents! I hope my fox comes back too. BTW, the foxes are scared of humans, so they won't hurt your kids. I hate it, though, when they eat my squirrels. That's another good reason to feed them.
Paula Dean is a very well-known TV chef.
Chanel is infamous for getting product to sell with no testers. I've decided it's a ploy to get us to buy more. "Send limited items in, without testers, and you have to buy before you lose out."
Ordered from Victoria Secret? No way. Their sizing is weird.
Hang onto that makeup! I hate losing things I like!
I'm just a bit concerned about that fox. I'm from WI originally, and when foxes were willing to be around people, it always made us nervous about rabies. They're notorious carriers, so please be careful!!
Hey, Kate! I got my NARS order today. Haven't even had time to open the box. I do hope I like the duo. I didn't order the Velvet Lip Pencil because I don't like them. I like glossy sticks. :)
I didn't hear Paula Dean suggest that all diabetics have to do is skip dessert once/week. If she did, that's awful. I'd hate to be diabetic - not sure I could handle all the food restrictions. I'm a carb queen.
All nine of my new YSL lip stains arrived - and I haven't had time for them either. Tried two. One is nice, one was a washout. I'm not sure I'll open all of them. I couldn't see any gloss in the finish of the colors I did try, so I'm not sure how YSL chose to call them Glossy Stains! I probably don't need nine of them, and if I'm returning a few, it's best not to tamper with them.
Again, I'm reminded to go order Shade & Illuminate! I worked so hard this week, I keep forgetting.
Happy weekend! I'm going to put out some really enticing food for the fox and see if he comes around. Maybe he hates the dog food he's being given.
Hi Eileen,
So I need the brush too? You and Kate need to line up my order. :)
This week, I tweeted the EB/Sephora find. I was delighted to order EB from Sephora - totally thrilled. I ordered a new gloss and a new blush (both of which I "think" I don't have). Even though Sephora can be frustrating, I never have to pay for shipping. I will be excited to get EB without a $12 shipping charge each time. That was big news this week. I meant to put it in the Friday Forum. Thanks for reminding me, since I totally forgot this morning (got off on a tangent about Paula Dean).
Happy weekend!
Don't worry, Val. I've had my rabies shots.
Actually, here foxes are scared to death of people. Even my "own" foxes run from me. They circle back to get their food.
The Edward Bess news was my highlight of the week. I am so happy for him. He deserves all this success and more. He is kind and an amazing artist. I ordered to new quad in Monte Carlo from Sephora and I'm sure I will love it. Have a great weekend.
Hi Gaby! It's beautiful. Mine came this week from BG. I just can't get photos because of the weather.
Going to try with my light tent tomorrow.
I hope your fox is ok, I enjoy feeding the deer in my backyard. I feel sorry for the animals in the winter. I have a stray cat that I started to feed last spring. He is now part of the family. Our golden loves him. I am on the list for the Sisley blush you recently featured My list for spring makeup keeps growing, I like to wait until some of the stores have "Beauty Week" and you can get some nice samples. I'm bummed our Saks in Pittsburgh is closing soon, the sales associates are very nice and helpful. Not too many store around here carry the higher end cosmetics and perfumes. Well I have formed some nice relationships with some of the girls at Neiman Marcus at King of Prussia Mall. Will have to get more stuff sent to me. But it is nice to touch, feel and smell things.
Aww, I hope the fox comes back. I like to nature watch in my own backyard even in NYC. Our yard is a bird mecca with cardinals, bluejays, mourning doves and mockingbirds being regular visitors (along with the typical sparrows) and a surprise visitor here and there - snowbirds this time. They cheer me up.
Paula Dean, I really don't feel one way or the other. I've heard it's traditional southern cooking which is very rich. It's nice as a cultural thing but common sense would dictate that it should be indulged in moderately or less, especially if you have medical concerns. If she wanted to keep her health private that's fine, we're not entitled to know everyone's life. I'd like more mystique less TMI for stars, even Paula Dean, thanks.
I did not buy makeup this week, I think I'm in withdrawal! Well, rather, makeup overwhelmed between trying to decide what to get first. Do I go with more Rouge Bunny Rouge right now or go for Nars or try out Edward Bess? I need to practice less instant gratification and more patience (which my wallet prefers!). lol That should be my only dilemma.
Ah well, happy weekend!
Hi Charlestongirl,
Do you need the TF brush that goes with Shade & Illuminate? Yes, no, maybe! :-) Perhaps you already have something similar that would work as well. Personally, I didn't have anything even close to it in my collection and none of my other brushes have performed the way TF's has. You can get a good idea as to just how unique the brush is by watching Wayne at Gossmakeupartist on YouTube. He has a great video review of a lot of the TF brushes. He also has some standout videos on contouring. I think the deciding factor is whether or not you'd use S&I on a regular basis. I didn't think I would at first, but I've found it quite addictive! With the TF brush, I can go very subtle or dramatic. It offers control like no other.
Isn't it great to be able to get EB without paying a rediculous shipping charge? So many women were deterred from trying EB because of it. I was thrilled when EB came to Neiman's in Beverly Hills so I could just go to the counter. With so much on-line shopping nowadays, you'd think more of the large department stores would follow Nordstrom's lead and offer free shipping. So, Bravo Edward! Bravo Sephora!
By the way, I hope your back has much improved over the week. It sounds like you were quite busy so I hope you're pampering your back a bit this weekend.
Everybody here is also forgetting that she only went public once she lined up the endorsement deal with the pharmaceutical company whose drug she will be flogging.
Yes, Paula Dean's health is her business but she's making it our business when she decides to flog a new drug from Novo Nordisk for her personal enrichment. So if she didn't want any public comment, she should have kept it to herself. But then, the pharmaceutical company wouldn't want to pay her the big bucks to be the spokesperson for their drug. No doubt, Paula weighed her options, being the smart businesswoman she is, and decided that the big bucks outweighed any public criticism she would endure. She's just like a Kardashian, only instead of a sex tape and reality-tv show, she's got drug commercials.
Hi CG, I hope you're staying in and warm and resting your back!
I went to NY last weekend for Vogue Knitting Live and found some time to do some cosmetics shopping. I bought Tom Ford's Shade and Illuminate, a couple polishes and the eyebrow pencil, which I think is genius in shape. I didn't buy the TF brush for S&I, but got a Sunday Riley blush brush at Barneys that may work, given that it is rather small and very soft. I also bought some interesting Beauty is Life products at Barneys, and a D&G fabulous powder foundation at Saks. Saks NY has Burberry and Tom Ford now - when are we getting it???
Ava, I'm intrigued by Sunday Riley. Wish we had it here. I must get to New York!
My back is better - thanks. I'm scheduled to get the two shots (they come in threes). The second should be this week, but I wasn't able to get an appointment until the following week.
That's a good point, Little Red, but I'd NEVER compare PD to KK. Sorry - PD has a down-home persona that KK could only dream about. :)
Thanks, Eileen. My back did "flare up" this week - probably from carrying too much weight around (binder, computer). I rested on the heating pad a bit today.
You have totally convinced me to buy the brush. :) I so wish we had a counter. Both Saks Chevy and Neiman Marcus expect to get one, but I suspect only one will. Someone in DC is supposed to see a counter with the introduction of the TF Spring 2012 collection. Thanks for the video reference. I'll go watch later.
Yeah, the comparison to the Kardashians was pushing it a bit, I admit.
we dont have foxes around here, only saw them at zoos and my granny had a cat once which loved brushing itself with everyone and everythingg :) i hope your fox returns to you .. but i like to keep my distance from animals..tried the labello rosh and rivaj lipcare products..work nicely for me..i dont think you would have even heard of those:)they may be available in this part of the world only
I hope your weekend was restful, Charlestongirl. I had a very busy week too, and a two-day weekend is not enough! I'd love a third day of staying at home bundled up in a sweater and not doing much else except swatching new goodies. All of my spring orders arrived at once: NARS, Laura Mercier, Giorgio Armani, and those YSL Glossy Stains from Sephora.
I tried YSL 07 Coral Aquatique, and personally I found the shine and color payoff to be good: there are time-lapse photos on my blog. I haven't tried the others yet, but based on comments under your original post it looks like performance may depend on the shade.
Overall, I am very pleased with this spring's offerings. There's a lot of interesting things going on, ranging all the way from pastels to neons. I've expressed my love for the Laura Mercier Lingerie collection, and the Armani eye palette you featured is stunning in person! You're right, it's not too warm for me at all. In fact, each shade looks like the perfect archetype of that color. It is a true classic.
For all of our sakes, I hope the sun comes out soon and you can resume your regular photographing. Winter is lovely, until you get tired of it.
I haven't heard of them, Mahwish! I'll bet you could teach us a few things with such a variety of products we don't have.
Leigh, I laughed out loud..."Winter is lovely until you get tired of it."
I can live through the sun, but I haven't been able to get a decent photo for a week. Sigh...
I'm popping over to your site to see how the YSL looked.
i never did a review on any products but if you help me i may surely manage to put things together.
$1 is equivalent to Rs 89 in Pakistani currency, rivaj lip care sticks are of Rs 350 and the nail enamels are of Rs250, it and Indian brand, affordable and offers a very broad range of products. i also tried maybelline's diamond lip gloss, liked that too
and did your fox return?
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