Sunday, May 16, 2010

Zoya Nail Polish Reverie Sampler Giveaway Contest

Time for a nail polish giveaway contest! Zoya Nail Polish was awarded "longest wearing natural nail polish" by an independent panel at Women’s Health Magazine. It is free of toluene, formaldehyde, dibutyl phthalate, and camphor, and it's vegan-friendly too! Zoya offers over 300 gorgeous colors from which to to choose, plus four seasonal collections every year. Zoya Nail Polish was specifically formulated to deliver the longest wear possible on natural nails. Zoya's Nail Polish can be found in better beauty salons, spas, and online at Zoya's Web site.

I have a Reverie Sampler ($36) to give away. The sampler has all the colors shown in the photos at top - a whole wardrobe!

1 - 0.5oz Zoya Nail Polish Laney
1 - 0.5oz Zoya Nail Polish Adina
1 - 0.5oz Zoya Nail Polish Happi
1 - 0.5oz Zoya Nail Polish Gwin
1 - 0.5oz Zoya Nail Polish Lana
1 - 0.5oz Zoya Nail Polish Reece

To enter to win, just leave a comment here once. It's that easy! After you comment, feel free to e-mail and identify your comment. You can never be too careful about sharing your e-mail address on a blog, so I would follow this second step if I were you (an alternative is to code your e-mail, e.g., myname at gmail dot com, in your comment).

The contest is open to U.S. and Canadian residents. The deadline for entries will be midnight, May 22. The next day, I will use a random number generator to select the winner.

I'll be posting this contest at Free!Grechen, my favorite giveaway site on the Web. You should check it out if you haven't already!

Good Luck!

Photo courtesy of Zoya


Katie said...

gotta love nail polish...and the chance to win them is even better!

Jules said...

I LOVE Zoya! Their nail polish remover is the best one ever! I refuse to use anything else! :D

Lynn said...

I love playing with different colors of nail polish!

lynnx512 at gmail dot com

Unknown said...

I would love to win these colors. They are beautiful! Please enter me. And zoya has amazing colors.

shopgurl101 at gmail dot com

Mamavalveeta03 said...

Believe it or not, beauty addict that I am, I've never tryed Zoya polish. I think the colors are FAB!

valhoff3 at yahoo dot com

Glogirl said...

I would love to try this nail polish.


diptea said...

Awesome giveaway! We girls are never have enough of nail polish. :)

Liz said...

I love nail polish! Definitely need lots for College in the Fall!

Yoonmee said...

Love Zoya polish! Thanks for the giveaway!

mim said...

oooh, i'd love these! i love having lots of different colors to choose from and havent bought np in forever!

miriam dot nussbaum at gmail

Anonymous said...

aww man I love that Laney one! Gorgeous.

Liberty said...

I am a sucker for pretty nail polish colors! I must admit that I have never tried the Zoya brand--in fact, I've never even heard of it before your post! I usually stick to OPI...but...OPI is pricey...

Would love to try these out--the colors are gorgeous!

Many thanks for the giveaway and for my entry!


Kate said...

I'm such a nail polish addict! I'm crossing my fingers for this one! :)

<3 Kate

The nail doctor said...

The ladies at my salon don't really care who makes their polish, as long as it's "free of the dreaded three." I've taught them well about nails and chemical threats. Zoya, of course, is already on my list of "the good stuff."

Thanks for the giveaway contest.

All the best,

The nail doctor

Anastasia said...

I am trying to get rid of all those nasty chemicals in mylife. Nail polish has been one of my holdouts and i would love to try out a new safe nailpolish!

Unknown said...

love to try new nail polish

Anonymous said...

great giveaway! i'd love to win =)

thriftypoet at gmail dot com

vrtish55 said...

Zoya Nail Polish Gwin and Happi are such pretty shades. I really need the longest wear on my nails. Thank you for the chance.

Decor and Dior said...

great colors! I love this giveaway :) hope I win...

Charity S said...

These are some fabulous colors. Thanks for the giveaway.

charisscharity at yahoo dot com

Liz said...

I don't think I've ever tried Zoya polish, and these colors are gorgeous!

Kittylitter1 at gmail dot com

Kim L. said...

What a lovely collection of colors!!
kimberly.long at gmail dot com

Samy said...

How lovely! Great colors :)

samyrocks92 at msn dot com

Georgia Mist said...

Right at this moment I'm rockin' the Dark Devine -- so I ALWAYS want more nail polish!
outofthemist @ gmail .com (remove spaces)

Faith J. said...

Wow, thank you for the chance to win this cool set! I have never tried Zoya, but I am sending in old NP today to get some from them! Gwin was on my list but I didn't order it. Hope I can try this sampler. Good luck everyone!

fjthoma at hotmail dot com

Unknown said...

What gorgeous colors!


phxbne said...

love the Gwin color
michelejdaley at gmail dot com

Jessica said...

Great giveaway, thanks!

beautifymylife [at] gmail

sheri said...

I just gave a friend a bunch of Zoya nail polish for her bday!!
Please enter me!!
thank you for the opportunity!!

Deine said...

These nail polish colors look absolutely lucious! Yum! Sign me up please! ☺


Deanna said...

Great colors! I'd love to win :)

ginnn7 said...

The colors are beautiful.
Thanks for the giveaway.


Stylista Fitness said...

love zoya :D

liis177 at gmail dot com

Kimberly said...

I love nail polish with a passion, Zoya is a brand I haven't had a chance to try yet, & to win it would be divine! Thanks for the giveaway.

Katy said...

I heart Zoya polish and these colors look SOOOOO awesome!!!

Thanks for the awesome giveaway!!! :)

(I'm going to email you with my email address.)

Kimberly said...

What fun colors!
kimberly.reuter (at) yahoo(dot)com

chicklus said...

I particularly like that Zoya nailpolishes are formaldehyde, toluene & DPB free!

Tee said...

I would love to try these colors, so here's my comment to win!

Thanks so much!

I'll be emailing you to confirm my email address!

DG said...

wonderful giveaway! those colors are amazing!


Anonymous said...

I've never tried Zoya and would love to win!

Unknown said...

I would love to win!

alismackofwonder at gmail dot com

Jo said...

Ahhh, I love nail polish! I would love to be entered :)


MarciaF said...

I've become enamored with nail polish lately. These colors are so gorgeous too.

Sherry B. said...

I've never tried Zoya nail polishes before but these shades are beautiful! Would love to win them!

Kate said...

I would looove to win! I've never tried zoya before but would love to! Thanks for doing this giveaway!

Vittoria said...

these colors are gorgeous! enter me to win please :)

here's my coded email:

DolphinV27 (AT) aol (DOT) com

Krystalme said...

Great giveaway. I've always loved painting my nails!

Jess said...

what a fantastic giveaway - such fun colors :)

jrlazar at

Benita said...

It's time to update my shade. These tints look gorgeous.


Unknown said...

very pretty palette of colors :)

Eliza said...

Such pretty colors for the summer!

Excellent giveaway--Thank you!


Rose Mary said...

Time for a new manicure!
Rose Mary W
formosarose AT gmail DOT com

nightowl said...

These colors are amazing. I like how the Zoya brand is free of the chemicals that aren't good.

katrina said...

I love nail polish! Thanks for this great giveaway!

Huguette En said...

Love these colors!!

Thanks for the chance :)

Shai Williams said...

What a great giveaway! I haven't tried Zoya but I would love too.


Junerose said...

I LOVE Zoya products. They have wonderful nail polishes and their lip glosses are pretty darn good, too!
Thanks for this giveaway.


angie lilly said...

How fun! I am in desperate need of some new polish colors so this would be great! Thanks!
one 4 earth at aol dot com

Scott said...

Thanks for the giveaway! I would love to win these for my partner! She loves this brand!
nynekats at aol dot com

Lexi said...

I love the bright colors for summer!! Never tried Zoya... but it sounds amazing!

Susannah said...

Awesome giveaway!
