Then there's tomorrow, a day etched into our collective memories, just like Pearl Harbor was bonded into the psyche of my parents' generation. A lot of years have passed since 9-11, but thoughts of it still bring back the mind-numbing horror and tears, along with recollections of extraordinary heroism. I will be taking a few moments to reflect and remember.
What a crazy-busy and short week this has been! It's hard to believe it's Friday. As the fashion industry gathers in New York for Fashion Week, I'll be celebrating Fashion Night Out with Neiman Marcus at Mazza Gallerie. We'll have fun! I have an appointment with one of Bobbi Brown's superb makeup artists.
My beauty shopping got a little "out of control" this week, with purchases of many new and exciting cosmetics. From online orders (Sephora, Tarte at QVC) to phone shopping with the lovely ladies at Bergdorf Goodman (Jennifer, Nikki), to in-person visits at Neiman Marcus Mazza, I have so much to tell you - and show you. I can't wait!
Charlie sends love and cat kisses to everyone who sent hugs his way. He purred with delight as I read little love notes to him. Or was that because I was feeding him his favorite cat treats? I think he's actually drooling on my keyboard right now.
It's time for The Friday Forum! We use The Friday Forum to share information. Are you using a fabulous product and want to sing its praises? Did you find a beauty product disappointing? Do you have a question others might be able to answer? Want to talk about skin care? Just use the comments. Don't be shy.
We have busy weekends and slow ones on the forum. I'm happy if even one reader stops by. Leave a comment, and say hello - even if you don't want to comment on beauty products. As I always do, I'll leave news of some great beauty offers in the comments of this post. If you want to know where to find nice gifts with purchase, free shipping, and other deals this weekend, make sure to check the comments.
Thanks for reading Best Things in Beauty! Got anything you want to talk about?
Photo courtesy of
I love lavender. It's one of those warm scents that makes me think of newly pressed bed linens. My great grandmother used to always spray the linens with lavender water as she ironed them. And, although the day of ironing sheets is long gone (hooray!), I still like a delicate lavender scent to lull me to sleep. A friend of mine grows her own lavender to put in beautiful sachets to give as hostess gifts. Knowing my fondness for lavender, she gives me fresh sachets every year to put in my linen cupboard. Now, that's a friend :-)
I think tomorrow will find many of us taking a moment or two to reflect on the events of 9/11 and how it changed us as individuals and collectively as a part of that greater international society of man. It was an attack that struck at the heart of mankind throughout the world. For the United States, it was, in a sense, childhood's end.
I hope you have a wonderful weekend in your garden. Is Charlie a gardener, too? My huskies love following me about as I trim and prune. Happiness surely does come in furry packages :-)
I love lavender too! I think I need to go get some linen spray.
I can't wait til fall hits the west coast. (well what WE call fall anyway.)
I'm soooo excited to hear about all your goodies! I'm living vicariously through you at the moment. (just bought a house and I'm "on restriction" from buying makeup at the moment.)
You are right, 9-11 truly was life-changing in so many ways. I want to remember all the good things about it. (the heroes/selfless acts, etc.) Yet in so many ways, I want to stick my head in the sand and avoid the pain of it all.
Enjoy your BB appt tomorrow!!!
I REALLY like her new hydrating serum (dropper bottle) Been using it for 2 weeks and it's fabulous on my sensitive/dryish/rosacea skin.
Hi Eileen,
What a nice friend indeed! I adore lavender in every form, but a bed of lavender in the garden is a little slice of heaven. Bed linens and dresser drawers scented with lavender are almost as special. I love a spritz of lavender water before bed.
As we look back on 9-11 tomorrow, each of us will take away something unique. I think you described our sense of tragedy and loss beautifully.
On a happier note, those huskies must be gorgeous! Charlie sends his envy. When I play in the garden, he sits on the porch and complains. He would much rather be outside with me!
Hi Soni!
I loved the Bobbi session and will write it up in the morning. Glad I can help you with "make-believe shopping." In the long run, that house is way more important than this season's colors. :)
Nice idea for tomorrow. We have a "neighborhood" local hero, Isaac Ho'opi'i, a first responder who rushed into the Pentagon (canine partner Vito was in the car and later became Isaac's confidant for healing) to lead people to safety. I will try to focus on the love and bravery displayed that day, not the hatred that prompted such horrific acts of cruelty.
If you would like to know more about Isaac and Vito, their touching story is at the following link.
What a week! I received a couple orders and felt so guilty opening my purchases when dozens of our Boulder, CO, residents had lost most all their possessions - - things that can never be replaced as easily as a lipgloss.
As I write, the fire is about 33% contained, thanks to a light half-hour shower Wednesday evening and the unfaltering perseverence of the fire-fighting personnel. I have met a few of them, me sobbing through the hugs - - empathy defines me!
And to me, 9/11 can be compared to receiving the news of the death of President Kennendy - - I'll always remember with whom and where I was. Seeing ground zero months later made me shudder with empathy - - so many, so horrible.
My limited experience with lavender was the overwhelming scent of it in a building at our state fair in Wisconsin. You all have made me curious, now, to experience it in a more refined manner - - any suggestions?
Last of all, I'll soon be trying my L'Occitane and Besame lip and facial products - - BEAUTIFUL packaging, generous samples from both of these.
Hugs to the C and S cats - - and to all of you!
Leigh, I know exactly how you feel. I'm empathetic too - too empathetic. I read the paper or watch the news and cry for others! It's a good thing I didn't pursue clinical psychology! Just keep up that good work because people need you now. We should all remember how privileged we are when others have so little - or have lost so much.
As for those firefighters, they always have a special place in my heart. Keep on hugging and thanking! Our McLean Fire Department is the envy of their firefighting neighbors in the County because of all the equipment our community has purchased for them. We love those guys (and gals). I even have a moonlighting volunteer who cuts my grass. I want my money to go to someone who makes a difference - beyond my lawn.
There are certain tragic events that define our lives. Although our younger readers have no memory of President Kennedy, those of us who were in school and were quietly shepherded into the cafeteria to watch the unfolding events on television - and then sent home - will never forget that day.
Another for me was the Challenger explosion. I had just come out of knee surgery and was in the recovery room watching the lift-off on TV, something I had watched (and felt) in person when I was a NASA consultant - one of the most stirring sights on earth. When Challenger exploded, I knew instantly we had lost those brave men and women. The nurses around me were sure they must have had a way to get out. They didn't know; they just had such incredible hope. I'm sure they thought I was still under the influence of anesthesia as I continued to explain to them that our brave astronauts and mission specialists were lost. It was a sad time, and one I'll never forget.
Just like the morning of September 11. We all know where we were when we heard about the first tower and felt the terror. I had friends who live near the CIA who were sure their homes were next. I did "play" clinical psychologist that day.
In the meantime, don't feel guilty about having new goodies. As one of my friends always says, just remember to pay your good fortune forward. I know you will.
I'll be back later with lavender recommendations. I need to go out and make sure my birds and squirrels have lots of breakfast.
Hi Charlestongirl!
I'd like to let you know that today I'm thinking (and many Europeans too) of that frightful day and all the victims of this bombing. Just as Leigh wrote, for me and again most people here, it was a moment of incredible horror! As for President Kennedy (when I was an 11-year pupil in the playground when the teacher told us the awful news)I do remember I was in my office when somebody said it was on the internet and as soon as I got home, we watched and watched and could not believe it and prayed! We were petrified as the year before, just at the beginning of September too, we had been visiting New York,Washington and it felt so real for us.
I just can't express the grief we all felt and still do whenever it's mentionned!
So today I join you in remembering that tragic event.
Thanks for the link to the article in the WP: it is so moving I finished in tears: Isaac Ho'opi'i is a real wonderful and so modest hero!
Sorry I have been so long, I wish all of you a beautiful and peaceful week-end.
Hugs and caresses to Charlie and Savannah!
It takes all of us "more than a few words" to describe the emotions of such live-altering events. It's also so comforting to know that our world-wide community shares the collective pain when such tragic events occur. At the time of September 11, it was comforting to know, as we did, that our friends around the world were as horrified as we were. As the love and kindness rolled in, we knew were weren't alone in our grief.
While I was having Blogger issues this morning, I lost the "Hi Clarisse, hugs to you too!" part of my message.
So, sending hugs to you and all of you!
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