This set contains the following items and shades in a flip-top box that has a huge mirror.
- 0.25 oz Girl Meets Pearl (pearly golden pink)
- 0.18 oz Eyeshadow Palette in Pink Fancy (pale pink), Icy Lilac (silvery light mauve), Posh Amethyst (soft plum), and Precious Pewter (steel gray)
- Double-Ended Sponge Applicator
- 0.07 oz Glamming Face Powder with Brush (soft rose/peachy pink sheen)
- 0.14 oz A Little Bit BADgal Lash Mascara in black
- 0.18 oz Lip Gloss in Life On The A List (bubble gum pink)
- Makeup Lesson
How can you enter this contest (technically a sweepstakes)? Just leave a comment on this feature (not in another BTiB post). After you comment here, feel free to send me an e-mail at bestthingsinbeautycontests@gmail.com and identify your comment. You can never be too careful about sharing an e-mail address you care about on a blog, so feel free to follow this step (an alternative is to code your e-mail, e.g., myname at gmail dot com, in your comment).
You can earn extra entries. Follow this blog (through an e-mail subscription, GFC, or though one of the many Google readers - see sidebar at right) to earn a second entry. If you are a follower, it would help me tally entries if you tell me in your comment how you follow. You don't have to follow to enter. I want everyone to have a chance, but I also want to reward my followers. I must be able to track this entry.
You can earn a third entry by tweeting this contest. You must include "@BTiBeauty" (without the quotes) and the contest title in your tweet. Remember, tweet the contest title - if you don't, that entry won't count. I will tweet the contest early this evening, and you can simply retweet it to earn that second entry - if that's easier.
This contest is open to anyone anywhere. Here are the terms. I will carefully pack and ship the prize (as I always do). I cannot insure the prize for overseas shipment - it's amazingly expensive to do so because of the way I have to send insured mail. If it's lost or stolen in transit, I may not be able to replace it with another prize just like it. I'll do my best on this end; let's see if your mail service does right by you on the other end if we have an overseas winner. Lately, my shipping luck has improved significantly.
For all the legalese related to this contest, please see the Contests/Sweepstakes page at the top of the blog. Good luck!
Photo courtesy of Sephora
Oh how I love your blog and all of the give-aways! I follow your blog daily and would love to win this Benefit set.
tjbladl at charter dot net
thank you for the awesome giveaway!
soco210 at yahoo
I follow under GFC via Brooke or BlushingNoir
tweeted - http://twitter.com/#!/blushingnoir/status/145919856435396608
Enter me please! Lovely giveaway!
I follow your blog via GFC!
Thanks again for another give away!
enter me please~
Email: jaekayy (at) gmail dot com
Tweet: http://twitter.com/#!/themoobinator/status/145923057649856512
thank you for the giveaway!
Enter me, please~?
Following via GFC: chaya bunny
Email: vivienne.emmerich at gmail dottt com
Love the blog and giveaways. I follow your blog on Google Reader. Great holiday gift.
busydocmom at gmail dot com
Love the blog and giveaways. I follow your blog on Google Reader. Great holiday gift.
busydocmom at gmail dot com
Love the blog and giveaways. I follow your blog on Google Reader. Great holiday gift.
busydocmom at gmail dot com
Love the blog and giveaways. I follow your blog on Google Reader. Great holiday gift.
busydocmom at gmail dot com
Cute kit. Would love it!!
gabychorny at gmail dot com
I love Benefit!
kinziesays at gmail dot com
Ahh, I've been wanting to try something by Benefit!
I follow your blog via GFC and you can contact me at clickandflashh @ gmail . com
Once again, thank you for having these giveaways!
Thanks for the awesome giveaway!
obsessedwithglitter at gmail dot com
GFC Kaki
Lovely :)
johanna_johnsson90 at hotmail dot com
Ooooh.....would love to win this Benefit set! I am an email subscriber and twitter follower.
harshi_1980 at yahoo dot com
Thank you for having this wonderful giveaway! I've been in a mood for pink & purple shadows, so this is absolutely a perfect.
besttoromc [at] yahoo [dot] com is my address.
And I'm now following you on Google Reader.
Have a lovely day!
Enter me pls!!!
GFC elendrac
What a cute kit :) Please enter me in your lovely give away! I now follow you on GFC as DalaLuz and I'll send a mail :)
This set looks like fun! Thanks for the giveaway. I follow you on twitter, email, and Google Reader.
kdtisdale14 at gmail dot com
Thanks for such a lovely giveaway!
I'm a follower / subscriber on Google Reader.
Happy Holidays!
sus 333 [@] gmail [dot] com
please pick me up!
gfc: katarina
email: katekata @ net . hr
This looks like a great intro-to-Benefit package. From what I've read, Girl Meets Pearl and its pearlized (rather than shimmery) finish is what I'm looking for in a highlighter.
Thank you for this giveaway opportunity!
I'm a subscriber via GFC as BooBooNinja. I follow you on Twitter and tweeted. I'm emailing you with my email and my twitter link.
I´ve tried Benefit so it would be my premiére))
I follow you through christina dot shevchenko at gmail dot com
tweeted: http://twitter.com/#!/ChristyShev/status/145980691329466369
I mean, never tried))
Love the Benefit products but for some reason, haven't tried them in a while. This would be a nice reminder of how wonderful they are. I also follow through email subscription. Thanks.
email: meowgirls13 at aol dot com
Great giveaway and your blog is awesome, which is why Im following through email and GFC :) Email is cari8309@hotmail.com and GFC is Cari Welsh
Love Benefit too, please enter me! I follow you thru
Paula8100at gmail dot com and twitter as
Oh pretty!! great colors!!
GFC follower and I subscribe via email
Thanks once again for your generosity!!!!!!!
enter me please!!!
gfc - Stefanie Gladden
twitter - steffers516
tweeted - https://twitter.com/#!/steffers516/status/145997620014366720
thanks so much for the chance!
Wow! This is so fab!!
What gorgeous shades you have with this Benefit set! You always come up with the best, Charlestongirl.
Already a follower of your awesome blog via GFC and Email
Name: France Irish
I'm a loyal email subscriber!!!!
Tweeted: https://twitter.com/#!/franceirish/status/146008838166941696
Thank you!
renatamanuel at gmail dot com
GFC: daniela dodel
email subscription: daniela_818_uy@hotmail.com
Wow! Thanks for this great giveaway!
I'm an email subscriber.
Thanks so much!
GFC: adilac
email: lcalida at gmail.com
Believe it or not, I've never tried Benefit mascara! I know, I know...a true beauty junkie and I've never purchased "Bad Gal"!! valhoff 3 at yahoo dot com
I follow you on Twitter @mamavalveeta03
valhoff 3 at yahoo dot com
Tweet:RT'd your contest post on Twitter @mamavalveeta03
valhoff 3 at yahoo dot com
This would make a great holiday gift or a gift for myself :)
I follow via RSS feed in a Google Reader.
great giveaway! i love benefit so please enter me in this contest!
GFC b.clay1
email b.clay1@yahoo.com
i am a follower
Loving this giveaway :)
I am following you via GFC, and subscribed to your posts via email
GFC Name: Sangeeta G
Email ID: sangeeta (dot) govidan (at) gmail (dot) com
Thanks for your blog..its great!
ps..please enter me in the benefit contest...(I am still learning how to do this blog thing..:-)
Kimberly Distinti
What another wonderful giveaway! We can always count on you, the queen of sophistication and generosity, to pick out another fabulous beauty product for your many fans. I hope you;re enjoying the holidays. Thank you for all the fun you've allowed me to have by being a part of your blogging community and becoming a new, but cherished friend who I give great thanks for meeting. You have made this year very special for me and have brought some light into my boring, dreary life. You have also educated me as to so many beauty companies and products which I greatly appreciate. I look forward to many more years of reviews, education, giveaways and your friendship. Most importantly, I wish you and your loved ones health, happiness, love and prosperity for the coming year. Thank you for all you do. You really do have an important impact on people's lives, especially mine. Win or lose in terms of your giveaways, I will always remain a dedicated fan and friend.
Happy Holidays and Good Luck To All!!!!!
kleimanlaw at aol dot com
I follow you on email, kleimanlaw at aol dot com and on twitter (@DianeLori)
I am also a daily subscriber. Would never miss your daily blog or I'd go through withdrawal.
kleimanlaw at aol dot com
I tweeted this contest on my twitter page, @DianeLori.
kleimanlaw at aol dot com
Pick me Pick me!!
I follow via email - barbie41481@yahoo.com.
I re-tweeted - barbieh4
what a fantastic giveaway!
vicious081 AT hotmail DOT com
This set looks sooooo cute! I'd love to win it =) Great blog and great giveaway!
What a FAB makeup set! And another FAB giveaway from a FAB blog!!
rebthecatsitter at gmail.com
I subscribe via google reader!!
rebthecatsitter at gmail.com
I tweeted
rebthecatsitter at gmail.com
I would really love to win this kit. It's a very nice giveaway.
So pretty! Thanks for giving it away :) I follow by email: Celia_1925 at yahoo dot com. Also by Twitter: Celi1925. Happy Holidays!
benefit <3
i follow via gfc and google reader
erica_kempf at yahoo dot com
Hi, thank you for this great prize!
GFC: marilena maftei
I also follow you via email: mary_len25 at yahoo dot com
Tweet: http://twitter.com/#!/mary_maf/status/146130347313213443
Email: from above
Wonderful giveaway,CG! Thank you!
Email subscriber: crystesmom (at) yahoo (dot) com
I also follow you via GFC:
Sherry Brooks- that email is ElsMom1 (at) gmail (dot) com
Wow what a giveaway,would love to have a chance to try this Benefit set.Thank-You
wonderful giveaway! thanks for the chance
tmc480 at yahoo dot com
email subscribe
tmc480 at yahoo dot com
gfc follow
tmc480 at yahoo dot com
Thanks for the giveaway! This is a great tradition -a giveaway every week:)
I'm following your blog via subscription
Tweeted: https://twitter.com/#!/LuluFleg/status/146141002753773568
aww, i would love to win this. thanks for giveaway
following you via GFC
wow this is a realy glam giveaway , thanx
followed via email angelinrhythm(at)yahoo(dot)com
via gfc angel charm
tweeted https://twitter.com/#!/angelcharm1/status/146162510737833984
wow this palette looks amazing! thanks for the giveaway!
i follow you with gfc!
i.kardakou (at) hotmail (dot) com
I just love your blog :')
I'm following you via GFC.
francivusk at hotmail dot it
Benefit makes the nicest sets! I'm a fan of their boxed popwders, glosses, and eye shadows (both cream and powder), so this set makes me swoon. :-)
I follow by email and Twitter.
kittylitter1 at gmail dot com
Would love to win this! I've always wanted to try Benefit products! :)
Another superb giveaway!!
I'm following via GFC: peniam and I'm a mail subcriber:
Thanks!! Monika
Awesome giveaway....
My gfc: shaashii
My twitter : sadiamarium
My email : sadia(dot)marium(at)gmail(dot)com
Please enter me, would be lovely to win!
I've loved Benefit forever. Thank you for the giveaway.
happypulitzer at hotmail dot com
I follow via an email sub.
Lovely set and lovely giveaway, thanks! I follow you on GFC as The Blossom Shed, and my email is theblossomshed at gmail dot com.
Baba -- The Benefit I'm Glam Therefore I am Giveaway contest has very useable colors -- I like that!
thanks for the awesome giveaway!
e-mail: caca.polish@hotmail.com
twitter followed under: carcarly
tweeted: http://twitter.com/#!/carcarly/status/145995494420779008
Thanks for the fab giveaway!
GFC: Gift
email: giftprincessgoden07(at)gmail(dot)com
tweet link: https://twitter.com/#!/giftprincess/status/146352368890556417
Twitter follower: @giftprincess
How do you do it? You are better than Santa.
moniquehasana at hotmail dot com
Thanks for this giveaway!
angelican3 [at] hotmail [dot] com
Thanks for the giveaway. Would love to try this
ryanac32 at yahoo dot com
I already follow gfc and subscribe to emails
ryanac32 at yahoo dot com
benefit packaging is always adorable....
gfc follower too...
I have never tried benefit before. I'd love to win this!
rjs682 at yahoo dot com
I subscribe to emails and follow gfc
rjs682 at yahoo dot com
Thanks for giveaway
GFC name: Alta Infante
email: alta.infante(at)yahoo(dot)com
HOpe to win!!
I love Benefits products!
email: alta.infante(at)yahoo(dot)com
Love your blog-ifollow your blog every day and love it.
I love Benefit!
GFC follower! MJ Moore
Tweeted: http://twitter.com/#!/butterflyrouge/status/147218032043888640
Benefit products are great. My faves are Boing and Lemon Aid
Email subscriber
Enter me please! Lovely giveaway!
I follow your blog via GFC as Sadi
email : sadia.latif10@gmail.com
I tweeted here : https://twitter.com/#!/Sad20ful/status/147645730918629376
You're very sweet to share :) Thanks for the awesome giveaways! I follow by email at Celia_1925 at yahoo dot com. Also, on Twitter Celi1925. Have a great day!
Great giveaway! Please, enter me!
alelale at live.com
I already follow you via GFC as Fabulosity
alelale at live.com
tweeted: https://twitter.com/#!/Aljsa/status/147699211893358593
alelale at live.com
hey! i follow you on GFC as hazeleyedgurl!
my email is hazeleyedgurl@gmail.com
Thank-you for the giveaway and good luck to all!
I follow you via GFC under BlossomWind.
E-mail: blossomwind(at)hotmail(dot)com
Another great giveaway!
GFC: Ruth
Email: ruth.gistelinck@hotmail.com
I'm following you on Twitter (RuthGBCN) and I retweeted: https://twitter.com/#!/BTiBeauty/status/145995494420779008
Wonderful products! I love the packaging too.
winit6 at hotmail dot com
Email subscriber of yours.
winit6 at hotmail dot com
winit6 at hotmail dot com
I love your blog and you awesome giveaways. Have a great holiday
I follow on google friend connect
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