I love the Rose Gold shade so much, I've bought four of them! It's a perfect light pink-toned, shimmering golden highlighter. The bronze shade is a good bronzer on my light skin. On darker skin, it will work as a highlighter. When I saw the Good to Glow sets (a $64 value) on sale, I bought two - one for me and one for a giveaway.
How can you enter? Just e-mail bestthingsinbeautycontests@gmail.com and put Stila in the subject line. Please let me know in your e-mail if you use any Stila products. If you want a second entry, just follow BTiBeauty on Twitter. All existing Twitter followers who e-mail will automatically receive a second entry. If you use a different name on Twitter, make sure to tell me in your e-mail.
The contest deadline will be Friday, February 12, at midnight. I'll select the winner using a random number generator. I'll even send Good to Glow anywhere in the world, so you can enter no matter where you live!
I'll be posting this contest at Free!Grechen, my fun giveaway site partner. Good Luck!
Photo courtesy of Sephora
You are the most generous blogger! Thank you so much for having these great giveaways! :-)
Thanks, Bonnie! I still owe you a trip to the Post Office with your Urban Decay prize. Have been seriously snowed in all week. Yesterday, when folks finally got out, continued the drama. VDOT came along and plowed us back in four times! Each time, we had to shovel out the end of our road to be able to get out (you can't drive anything over a two-foot wall of ice). Once out, traffic reduced everywhere to one lane was unbelievable!
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