Handmade in Italy, Shimmer Bricks are lightly shimmering, brush-on powders that reflect radiance and light on skin to create a soft glow. Tawny is for anyone who wants to give her skin subtle highlights with a warm, pinky glow. The beautiful shades in the compact can be used individually on the eyes or swirled together to create a flattering highlighter or blush for the face.
How do you use it? Sweep a brush through all five shades and dust lightly on the cheekbones after applying blush - or in place of blush. Focus on applying shimmer on the top of the cheekbones, where light naturally hits the face. To add a highlight to eyes, use a small eye shadow brush to apply the lightest shade in the compact just under the brow bone. If you can wear brown-pink tones on your eyes, you can wear these shades as shadows. They impart a flattering, subtle glimmer.
How can you enter to win this contest (technically a sweepstakes)? Just leave a comment on this feature (not in another BTiB post). After you comment here, feel free to send me an e-mail at bestthingsinbeautycontests@gmail.com (the contest address, not my "personal" e-mail) and identify your comment. You can never be too careful about sharing an e-mail address you care about on a blog, so feel free to follow this step (an alternative is to code your e-mail, e.g., myname at gmail dot com, in your comment). Please make sure I have your e-mail. If I can't notify you, you can't win - even if your number is drawn.
You can earn extra entries. Follow this blog (through an e-mail subscription, GFC, or though one of the many Google readers - see sidebar at right) to earn a second entry. If you are a follower, it would help me tally entries if you tell me in your comment how you follow. You don't have to follow to enter. I want everyone to have a chance, but I also want to reward my followers. I must be able to track this entry.
You can earn a third entry by tweeting this contest. You must include "@BTiBeauty" (without the quotes) and the contest title in your tweet. Remember, tweet the contest title - if you don't, that entry won't count. I will tweet the contest this evening, and you can simply retweet it to earn that second entry - if that's easier.
The deadline for entries will be Saturday, March 17, at midnight. The next morning, I will use a random number generator (random.org) to select the winner. I will e-mail the winner on Sunday morning. The winner will have 48 hours to reply to my message and provide a shipping address. After 48 hours, the prize will be forfeited, and another winner will be selected. Make sure to check your e-mail - and look in your spam folder - when the contest ends.
This contest is open to anyone anywhere. Here are the terms. I will carefully pack and ship the prize (as I always do). I cannot insure the prize for overseas shipment - it's amazingly expensive to do so because of the way I have to send insured mail. If it's lost or stolen in transit, I may not be able to replace it with another prize just like it. I'll do my best on this end; let's see if your mail service does right by you on the other end if we have an overseas winner.
For all the legalese related to this contest, please see the Contests/Sweepstakes page at the top of the blog. Good luck!
Photo source unknown
I've been wanting a BB Shimmer Brick for the longest.
I've retweeted the giveaway, my twitter name is @beausci2010
My email address is beautynscience2010 at yahoo dot com, I've also subscribed to your blog and follow you via GFC as beauty and the scientist.
Thanks :)
Would be glad to get it. Alica - alica at cleis dot net. Thx
I would love to try the BB Shimmer Brick. My GFC is adthenshesmiled. My email is jdmgirlfriend at gmail dot com.
Thaaanks for the giveaway!
Those are perfect for me cause I am medium/tanned person from Hawaii. I love those colors!
Email: kalei7796782@yahoo.com
Twitter: @kammi05
I would love a chance to win. I follow you via email and GFC as BeautyOps. Thank you!
nice nice!
GFC: Nida Moughal
twitter @glittersmitter5
email subby! moughalnida@gmail.com
Would love to win - I haven't tried anything from Bobbie Brown - I always end up at the Chanel counter.
Great giveaway. I love the Shimmerbricks, too!
I follow you via email already! sigibr at gmai/ dot com
Yummy!! love love love
Thanks sweetie!!
GFC follower MoonRae & I subscribe via email
I've wanted to try these for quite awhile! I'd be so excited to win it!
ldehaan at dakota com dot net
I already follow your blog via email.
ldehaan at dakota com dot net
Would love to try the shimmer bricks. Thanks for the give-away.
jeana at unitsic dot com
This looks beautiful!! waterlilyflower3 at yahoo dot com
Awesome giveaway! Never tried Bobbi Brown before, I'd love to see what the hype is about!
justine_s_lee at yahoo dot com
also following through GReader :)
Tawny shimmerbrick would be so great for the forthcoming summer. Thank you so much for such a nice contest e mail is hugueslegrand at yahoo dot co dot uk
oooh, i've always wanted to try one. :)
email subscriber and tweeted giveaway.
I've always wanted one of these, they're so gorgeous!
GFC: Tati D.
email: tatianadoyle(at)gmail.com
Lovely! I've been lusting after one of these for a long time!
theblossomshed at gmail dot com
You know BB is my absolute favorite! And this is a shimmerbrick not to be missed! valhoff 3 at yahoo dot com
I follow you on GFC.
I follow you on Twitter @mamavalveeta03
I subscribe to your newsletter: valhoff 3 at yahoo dot com
I like you on FB.
Oh la la!!! Love it!
amberehrlich at gmail dot com
also re-tweeted and a follower
I RT'd your tweet!
valhoff 3 at yahoo dot com
Lovely giveaway! I still regret I never picked up tawny. Thank you!
loribethjenkins at gmail dot com.
I have never used these shimmer bricks but I'm dying to try it.
I subscribe via email
I subscribe via RSS
I follow via GFC
clenna at aol dot com
Great giveaway! I follow via email. Email address is melisand61 at gmail dot com.
I have only Bronze Shimmer Brick. I would love to try this one!
email: jmay1223 at gmail dot com
I follow you through an email subscription and bloglovin
GFC: Whimsical Glam
email: emmabubbygirl at hotmail dot com
I don't think I've ever seen a shimmer brick that I didn't want to try!
ladyisla (at) gmail (dot) com
I also subscribe with ladyisla (at) gmail (dot) com
love it
beeden at hotmail dot com
The colors are just my choice. Thanks!
I subscribe to your fabulous blog
christine grimsby at gmail dot com
thanks for all the giveaways, it's fun
I am one of your email subscribers.
Tweet: https://twitter.com/#!/ladyisla123/status/178989509881503744
I tweeted https://twitter.com/#!/rusthawk/status/178989981287727104
love the tawny..
email follower too..
Thank you for this contest! This Bobbi Bron Shimmer Brick looks beautiful! I would love to win this!
Also, I follow you on twitter, and enjoy your tweets as well as your blog. Thank you!
I'd love to try this Shimmer Brick! I love the colours.
Thank you for the generous giveaway! I follow on Google reader and my email is laura dot f dot nv dot junk at gmail dot com
I subscribe to your RSS feed in a Google Reader.
I, also, have been longing to try a BB Shimmer Brick! Those shades are simply too gorgeous. Thanks again, Charlestongirl, for your great insight, eye, and giveaways!
Faithful Email Subscriber!
Already a follower from this account
tweeted here: @tttamara
email is cheap_pizza at hotmail.com
Great give away!!!
xx Tamara
This is such a gorgeous product. I could never buy myself one of those, but I would love to own one. I am an email subscriber.
Wow, you are the giveaway queen - how exciting! :)
Follow you via twitter @thebonmarche
Email sub- bonmarcheblog @ gmail dot com
Love your blog! I've been dying to try a Bobbi Brown Shimmerbrick! I would love this one!
Following you on twitter @Nvrenoughnails
Very pretty colors!
My e-mail: blackasphodel(at)yahoo(dot)com
Oops, sorry I also follow you via GFC
I follow you via GFC as Black Asphodel
I am dying to try the shimmer brick! Thanks so much for the giveaway! :)
rebthecatsitter at gmail.com
I subscribe via email, GFC, twitter EVERYWHERE!!
rebthecatsitter at gmail.com
I am following on twitter and tweeted
rebthecatsitter at gmail.com
This looks really nice - I love Bobbi Brown!
mysecretagentloverman at gmail dot com
You are so generous, Charlestongirl! I'd love to win the beautiful shimmer brick!
tjbladl at charter dot net
Would really like to try this!
i subscribe by email
aznhanavira at gmail dot com
email: daniela_818_uy@hotmail.com
I'd loveee to try a shimmer brick!! Thank you! Twitter name: MercedesMakeup1 GFC: Mercedes EMail: MercedesMakeupBlog @ gmail dot com
You are so awesome with all these giveaways! Love it! katemcallaster at gmail dot com. I will retweet under katiemcallaster... thanks!
great giveaway!! :)
gfc - Stefanie Gladden
email - stefanie.gladden@gmail.com
tweeted - https://twitter.com/#!/steffers516/status/179064662686576641
oh i am dying to win this one!! thanks for such a fab giveaway!!!
:D :D
i am subscribed to you by email.
crzysuchi4u at yahoo dot com
if you collect these Shimmer Bricks- they must be gold :)
email subbie
Thank you for this contest. I have never bought Bobbi Brown...
I subscribe to you via email, I like you on FB and I get you on Twitter.
My email is Madelyn54@aol.com
Thank you again for your wonderful blog and also for your generosity !
GFC: Sophie
E-mail: phan.sophie@gmail.com
Thank you@
Sounds lovely!
Email: dustynrumble [at] gmail [dot] com
Also followed on Google Reader.
ozgecon at gmail dot com
Count me in, please, Charlestongirl! ^_^
I follow you via GFC as rosanna-79
I follow you on twitter @RoxMetalDrinker
I tweeted about the ga here
email rosanna-79@live.com
GFC: Alta Infante
want to win this!! :)\
I'd love to win a BB Shimmer Brick - have been considering one for ages, but they're not cheap :) I follow your blog, and read it on my Google Reader. I follow as too_busy_to_stitch. My email is too_busy_to_stitch at yahoo dot co dot uk
Viv x
Oooh! What an opportunity - thanks so much for being so generous. I love shimmerbricks, but I only discovered them after tawny disappeared. My e-mail address is missleonie at gmail dot com.
Lovely! :)
johanna_johnsson90 at hotmail dot com
This looks beautiful! It's so polished and pretty!
i would love to try a bobbi brown shimmer brick for years, but it's too pricey for me.
GFC: bill clay
Hello beauty!!! I'd love to take my chance in this competition and try this BB goodie ^^
GFC: peniam
Tweet: https://twitter.com/#!/Peniamm/status/179210296752218112
email: peniamm(@)gmail(.)com
Thank you very much
Oh my...like you, I "collect" all the BB shimmerbricks (I actually use these, they're not for display at the Museum!) and I have all except this one. Would love to win!
Email: mmcurator at gmail dot com
Twitter: @makeupmuseum
I've been a longtime follower both of your blog (via google reader) and on Twitter...and I tweeted about the contest. :D
At first I thought it was a beautiful eye shadow and I loved the shade, so special for summer time! Then I read the article and I am glad it is also for cheeks, it looks beautiful and I would love to enter this contest! Thanks for it.
My email is zelle dot vs at gmail dot com
I'm already following this blog as Zelle Vs, email and rss reader.
Just tweeted about this contest : https://twitter.com/#!/ZelleVs/status/179230418892099584
Thanks again for another great contest! xx
This is unbelievably gorgeous!
I follow via GFC: ht
& via email: htaschian@sbcglobal.net
Hey yet another beautiful giveaway I sure hope I win for just once :-)
Email I'd siddhant30042004@yahoo.com
I bet your shimmerbrick collection is beautiful! I follow on GFC and can be reached at my gmail address: 'cuteandmundane'
Love your blog and reviews! And would also love the shimmer brick :)
Follow with google reader.
kschumann123 at hotmail dot com.
I want this :D
inexmariano at gmail dot com
I'd be delighted to own this - great giveaway!
bethkuly at hotmail dot com
I follow by email using the above email as well.
I've tweeted about the giveaway and I follow your blog (both via GFC and via Google Reader). My public email is hermano (dot) buster (dot) bluth (at) gmail (dot) com
Thank you!
miriam dot nussbaum at gmail
please count me in, bb shimmer bricks look awesome!
miriam dot nussbaum at gmail
gfc follower
GFC: collifornia
Email: holliister at gmail dot com
I retweeted your tweet: @collifornia
These are the prettiest colors.
winit6 at hotmail dot com
I'm an email subscriber of yours.
AH would love to try this. It might just be the thing I need to bring some life back into my dehydrated, lifeless skin (courtesy of studying for midterms!!).
GFC: yesplease1816
twitter: https://twitter.com/#!/yesplease1816/status/179481753189220352
email: rphi1816 at gmail dot com
GFC Bebe
BLoglovin Bebe Lee
Email bebe03 (at) live (dot) com (dot) sg
Tweeted https://twitter.com/#!/pllee88/status/179789382377684993
Great giveaway!
anna_k67 at yahoo dot com
Iam blog follower via GFC
i have retweeted about your contest :)
I've always wanted a Shimmer Brick after seeing it in her books!
reviewsbyabby at gmail dot com
reviewsbyabby at gmail dot com
old email subscriber!
reviewsbyabby at gmail dot com
(1) emailed you my email address :)
(2) i'm a gfc follower and i am an email subby
thanks for such an AWESOME giveaway, LOVE your blog!
always steal my friend's bobbi brown products - I need some of my own! thanks for this opportunity!
Looks gorgeous!!
kooky-tina at hotmail dot co dot uk
I am following you as well, :)
I love your giveaways.
never tried one of these!
I love this one. I think it's perfect for this time of year.
vac 924 at gmail dot com
Following with GFC (LilyBiscuit) and subscribe by email
vac 924 at gmail dot com
I just retweeted your contest tweet.
vac 924 at gmail dot com
AH! I have yet to get myself a shimmer brick because I'm almost scared by the size of that thing! It's huge!!!! I've always been lusting after one, though - would love a chance to try :)
I'm also a email subscriber:
dyjang at gmail dot com
That is beautiful! I'd love to win.
vicious081 AT hotmail DOT com
enter me please!
I already follow you on GFC and twitter.
Also tweeted: https://twitter.com/#!/Aljsa/status/180697032510545920
alelale at live dot com
very pretty - I have never tried a shimmer brick.
I would love to try the BB Shimmer Brick. Very pretty !!!
GFC : Sadi
email : sadia.latif10@gmail.com
Follow on twitter @Sad20ful
I tweeted here : https://twitter.com/#!/Sad20ful/status/181076550505082880
Thaaanks for the giveaway!
Great giveaway. Thank you.
jslbrown_03 at yahoo dot com
Follow via GFC: smurfette
jslbrown_03 at yahoo dot com
Retweet giveaway - https://twitter.com/#!/BTiBeauty/status/181136969299001345
jslbrown_03 at yahoo dot com
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