Middleton arrived at the site looking fashionable in skin-tight coral jeans, dressed up by a blazer and Olympic scarf. She quickly changed into a hoodie and Adidas tennis shoes, leaving on her coral jeans, to pick up a hockey stick and take a few swings. The duchess sent the ball straight into the net. Score on two fronts! She impressed fellow field hockey players, and the world watching last night's newscasts, with her athletic skills. She also sparked the sale of coral jeans in England.
The Huffington Post reported (with information supplied by the Daily Express) that sales of 14-pound colored denim jeans at Asda, a British clothing store, rose by a whopping 88 percent in one day. Fiona Lambert, a brand director for Asda's George clothing line, projects the trend will continue to soar. “Wearing bright colours lifts us all, and now that we have the royal seal of approval for colored denim from Kate Middleton, we know this is going to be the hot trend this summer.”
If you want to nab the real deal, Middleton's jeans were made by JBrand and cost $169. Will you be on the hunt for skinny jeans in the "color of the season"?
Photo courtesy of the Huffington Post/Getty
I really don't give a damn about her or her style. There is too much media on her that you eventually get sick of it.
Well, Christina,
I have to admit I went out to look at JBrand. I love skinny jeans. Not sure I could wear tangerine, though.
I like her she's very classy and pretty. I get tired of seeing some of the some of these famous women having everything hangin out.
Honestly, this is not even news anymore. We have a report of the type "Kate Middleton wore X and sales soared/it sold like hotcakes/the people rushed out like manic zombies screaming "MUST.GET.X."" etc at least once a week in the UK. It's very tiring and I don't quite see the fascination, especially on the high street where all they do is copy her choices. Variety please!
I give a hoot! I'm mostly German and English in heritage, and I'd like to pretend that my British ancestors would be giving her a bright, "Chip, chip. Cheerio, Duchess!," for scoring! She scores with me for being poised, lovely, and personable, not to mention, stylish!
I need to lose about ten pounds to even consider bright orange jeans but then I'm the sort to wear red pants.
I love Kate Middleton! Love the jeans too! Really enjoying all the bright colors for spring/summer! Esp. corals!
:) I think you love pink and I can understand why tangerine is not your colour.
I got tired about how people try to copy Kate. I prefer that women try to be themselves and get their own look.
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