I was able to resist the sales push, which included the assessment that my hair was a bit dry. After the rep told me that, she asked what shampoo I was using. I couldn't resist saying Fekkai. It wasn't entirely a lie, although I haven't used Fekkai in months [wink]. "You will need a conditioner," she continued. I told her I have the Technician Conditioner and that I would buy more when I need it - and that was true! Then she tried to sell me the mask. Check - already have it.
My friend also got the full-court press, and she ended up buying a conditioner and a styling product. At least they gave her some samples in addition. It was a riot when one said to her, "I will give you some samples because I like you." I guess they didn't like me. Perhaps it was because I kept my wallet in my purse.
Actually, I went with the intention of buying the conditioner! The attitude and their aggressiveness turned me off. I am not sure whose employees they were; they didn't look familiar to me.
Ever get so annoyed with a sales rep that you refuse to buy something you'd like to have?
Photo courtesy of Sephora.
hmm interesting situation! I wanted to do it, but I always feel really uncomfortable when the sales people are there pushing you to buy something so I didn't want to go.
Good for you for staying strong though! :)
I feel uncomfortable too, but I am getting better at it. I think their point is to make you feel bad.
Lizzie, I wish you had gone! They made the offer. I'll try to do a Fekkai giveaway contest in the next month or two - we will have a no-pressure contest: just e-mail, period. Definitely enter!!
Want to read a hilarious account of the opposite behavior from a sales rep? Today's New York Times: http://cityroom.blogs.nytimes.com/2009/09/18/complaint-box-counter-culture/?scp=1&sq=david%20sax&st=cse
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