They feature a fabulous creamy texture, feather light and translucent, as hydrating as a balm. The brilliant bold color is wearable and chic. Don't be mislead by how the colors look in the tube - try them!
A cutting-edge color formulation process, the Color Shine Moisture Polymer, a revolutionary component, is able to retain twice its volume of water and enhance color luminosity while locking in hydration on the lip surface for over eight hours.
Three shades hover between straight orange and pink-orange: Acid Tangerine 300, Mandarin Orange 301, and Orange Mutation 302. Three incandescent reds, sheer versions of Rouge d’Armani 400 are available: Red Carpet 400, Ripe 401, and Scarlato 402. Three lively transparent pinks will make you pink lovers delirious: Ecstasy 500, Vita 501, and Blush 502. I don't know why the Armani Beauty Web site only shows two pinks. I'm checking. Three purple shades, Bitten 600, Tulipe Noire 601, and Black Lacquer 602, are divine.
I'll show you all the shades as soon as I have time to get photos when the sun is shining. The Rouge d'Armani Sheer Lipsticks are available at Armani Beauty's Web site. I haven't seen them at a counter yet. I'm expecting a call when they arrive at Saks.
Photo at top courtesy of Giorgio Armani Beauty; other photos by Best Things in Beauty
Wow those look amazing! I adore the Rouge d'Armani formula but have yet to try any of the Sheers.
Oh wow... I'm so excited for these!!! I was at my Armani counter today and they had them all there, out on the counter, still wrapped, but they hadn't received testers. So I just had to look at the boxes. I was tempted to just take a stab at it and ask the associate to sell me one.
I'm happy to see that they seem to be phasing in names for their products. It is so difficult to remember the numbers all the time, even though they are logically sequenced!
Hi there, Perilously Pale!
They just came out, so you may not have them at counters yet. I lover sheers, including the older Armani sheers, so I'm in lipstick heaven.
Hi Kate!
Don't you just hate it when counters tempt you with the for-sale product, but no testers, or vice versa?
I also prefer names. I can NEVER remember the numbers. May be my age...
Those are gorgeous! I have to have them. They photographed beautifully and that is EXACTLY the formula I love for my lip color. Thanks, CG!!
Ahhh . . . Spring is in the air! All the beautiful sheers are coming out. That formula looks so pretty I just might get up the courage to take a look at the orange shades :-). By the way, have you see the promos for Armani's Summer 2012, Ecailles? Lots of dark blue with nary a gold, bronze, or coral in sight. It's very unusual for a summer collection.
Hi MamaVal,
The feel so good on the lips too!
Hey Eileen,
I bought one. Had to see.
Yes, I saw the photos on a European site. Remember Armani did the same thing last summer, when La Femme Bleue for Spring 2011 was complementary to his dark blue and green fashions? He's at it again!
These look beautiful! I'll wait to see them in person before picking mine. Thanks for the great swatches!
It is in no small part thanks to your swatches that my Armani lippie collection has doubled in the last few months--with no counter here I do a lot of online shopping. Thanks for swatching these! I will have to try the whole 600 series of course. --erin
Two of these came to me today! I got 501 and 600...they won't be the last colors I get!
These sheers are so pretty! The tangerine one makes me nostalgic for the lipstick I wore in high school. :) I'm going to have to check out these shades.
Thanks for writing about these lovelies.
Jo, it will be hard to choose. The differences within a color family are subtle.
Hey there, Erin!
You couldn't be collecting a nicer brand. :)
I am sure I need ALL of them. I didn't order the last few, as threatened yesterday. Sanity prevailed. I doubt I'll stay sane for long.
Taffy, tangerine is such an "in" shade. Since it's sheer, it's extremely wearable. Have fun!
I'm waiting for you to swatch the rest of your colors so I can decide which to buy next!
So far, 600 is my favorite of the 2 I purchased...
Aaaargggghhh I am so jealous that you have EIGHT!!! Plum is beauuuutiful :D Thanks for the review. I just got the gloss in plum :D
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